New beginnings

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Nico's POV;

5am I wake up to the sound of my daughters cries, since Alfie has school to focus on id let him rest and I'd take the night shifts.

1st night was over and done with, so far so good..

"Morning princess" I yawned as I entered the room, her cries turned into a whimper and I rocked her in my arms.

"How was your first night?" I asked her as I carried the newborn into the living room

"Mum?" I asked to see her asleep on the sofa.

"Is it morning yet?!" She laughed

"No it's not get back to bed" I opened her door and let her in.

I fed Emmy and sat down with her in my arms, I think this is going to be hard work.


"Nico?" I opened my eyes to see Alfie holding Emmy, I must of fallen asleep.

"I'm off to school, will you be ok?"

"Yeah, and don't forget you have work straight after school" Alfie now works part time at the hutch after Tony offered him a job.

"See you later then" he kissed my check and Emmys forehead and left for school, I'd actually love to go too school but I now have a responsibility.

Alfie's PoV:

I arrived at school, it was so unusual that I didn't have Nico to walk with.

"Hey!" Tom and peri came over and welcomed me.

"How's she doing!!" Peri asked excitedly.

"Good, she's always crying it's hard work" I laugh.

"Welcome to being a parent" Tom laughed.

I kept checking up on Nico with constant messages to see if they were both ok, even though she has her mum an Ben I do worry she isn't coping.

At the end of the day I made my way to the hutch. White shirt and red tie.

"Hey Alfie, ready for your first shift?" Tony asked as I made my way in.

"Yeah what do I do first?" I laughed.

" clean up the dishes"

I spent up until 8pm cleaning dishes.
I finally got to go home and check on Nico and Emmy.

I opened the door to roars of screams and cries.

"Nico?!" I ran into Emmys room to see Nico with red eyes and trying to calm the baby down.

"Hey, pass her here!" I took the little girl of Nico and rocked her to sooth her.

"She hasn't stopped all day! I don't know what to do!" Nico cried and sat down in front of the door.

"It's ok, she's settled and I'm home now, don't worry" I wrapped my arms around her and sat down next to her

"I never thought it'd be this hard" she whispered into my ears.

"It'll get better"

I looked over into emeralds cot she had her eyes wide open and flashing her blue eyes at us both.

"Have you fed her?" I asked releasing her and getting up.

"About 2 hours ago"

"Ok. You go to get some rest I'll take care of her.." I opened the door and lead Nico to the bedroom.

"Are you sure?" She asked me as we stood at the door way.


I made a bottle and fed my baby and rocked her to sleep until shed settled. My thoughts went to Nico who has to look after her by herself everyday.

I walked into my bedroom and Nico had the tv on. I sat next to her and pulled her in.

"Do you want me to stay of tomorrow?"

"You-you don't have to" Nico flashed the eyes that matched Emmys to me.

"No I can't have you at home and come back to what I did today, you need help with her"

I kissed the top of her head and she rested her head on my shoulder until she fell asleep.

AN/: sorry this part is so boring I will make something more exciting happen next time Hannah X

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