Chapter 1: Life's as sweet as lemons

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Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Do you believe everyone has a talent? Yeah, that's what I thought, majority of you said yes for the first question but half of you said no. So, here's what I think, everyone has a talent, no matter how stupid it is like hypnotizing people. My name's Lavender Evans, I have light brown skin, big brown eyes and was born with determination. It was always in me, sure I say a billion times I give up but before I give up, I try like twenty-five more times. I believe everything happens for a reason, I mean if you think about it, the basic stuff like when you take your first steps and you fall, or when you get bullied. It's all for a reason

"Lavender, wake up." Yells my mom "your going to be late for school." I totally forgot that it's the first day of seventh grade. I mean I stayed up watching Big Brother all night. I get up and look in my closet, I forgot to wash my clothes. So I'll just wear something random. But I'll just get dressed later so my mom won't freak out about my outfit. I head into the washroom and I comb my hair in a bun, and brush my teeth for about 1 minute. Then mom calls out again "Lavender, if you're not down here in five minutes I'm grounding you from your tablet." My eyes grew wider and I looked for clothes and I throw on a sweater and pants. Then I head downstairs and I see cereal there on the table. I sit down and eat my cereal and then the phone rings, I pick it up and say "Hello?"
"Lavender, I'm here. I don't want to knock on the door because the dog will start attacking me again. Stupid dog." Said Carly
"Okay, I'm coming." I say and hang up and finish my cereal. Carly Beverly is my best friend. She has blonde hair and hazel eyes. Her talent is fashion, she's as pretty as a goddess. And the dog thing is actually a funny story; last year my crush asked me who my best friend was, of course I said Carly. Right after that question he asked me out on a real date. Then Bella which is my other friend and Carly made an arrangement to get my crush to come to my house because I was grounded the day of my date. He came, and he knocked on the door and our neighbours dog jumped over the fence and started attacking my crush. The dog was a pit bull, and it wasn't well trained. Carly freaked and jumped into poison ivy and got a serious rash. Bella was just taking a selfie and posting it on Instagram like always, and I saw it all the action from my window. I honestly didn't know they were coming. The next day, my crush said he hated me and all I could do was laugh. I stopped liking him after that, so now new school year new starts. I mean I get one crush every school year. Wonder who's the lucky guy this time. I head outside and I see Carly dressed in a turquoise dress and her hair was down and straight like always and has a bow in her hair. She looked absolutely gorgeous, I almost got jealous. "Ready?" She asks
"Ready, then I'll ever be." I say to her and we walk to school together our school isn't that far from where we live. It's a five minute walk.

Once we reach school we head inside to meet our teacher, we see Bella there and she joins us. Lucky us, we're in the same class. "Alright girls, before we get learning, want to post a selfie on Instagram? My fans are going to die if they don't see this selfie of us in our new school." Said Bella and she pulls her iPhone out and takes a selfie of the three of us. "Perfect." She cries and sits next to us. Our teacher comes and says "My name is Mr.Harrison. Feel free to call me Mr.H but Harrison is a pretty straight forward name. I'm your home room teacher, and I teach math, English, and Science. Your history teacher is Ms.Lion, your French teacher is Mr.Fry, your music teacher is Ms.Taylor. Are we all clear on that?" We all nod and he says "Good, if you noticed, I didn't mention your gym teachers, you won't be having gym until next term. Till then, I'll tell you who they are. Alright let's do attendance, before he says anything a guy comes in and says "Is this Mr.Harrison's class?"
"Yes, please come in." Mr.Harrison said and he sits next to some dude I don't even know. But all I know, is that this guy is really cute.

At the end of attendance I finally realized his name is Noah Brant. Even his name's cute, his name's even is in the bible. "He's cute." Says Bella as we walk to our next class. "Who?" I say looking around. "That Noah guy." said Bella. My guts dropped as she said Noah was cute. Hey, I'm the only one thinking about cute guys like him, not Bella. "I think he's taken, I mean Lavender got all jealous when you said that." Said Carly. Shit, is it that obvious? Or maybe it's just BFF power or something, right?

After school, I put my bags down and head straight to my room and I go on Instagram immediately, I see what Carly posted, for her on Mondays is show your stuff animal off. And she shows her stuff animals she collects, even if she's twelve turning thirteen next year. I search up random people like I normally do, and I see a profile of this guy who looks exactly like Noah. But ten times more cuter, maybe it is Noah. I mean he couldn't have a twin who looked exactly like Noah and had the same last name. It is him for sure, I ask to follow him and wait for a response. Did I like Noah? I mean, I don't know anything about him, all I know is that he's super cute, and Bella likes him too. Carly doesn't care for him, because if she did, she'd tell me immediately. But why is Noah in my head. He's just so cute, and I can't get his picture out of my mind.

Authors note

Hello guys, this is my first book I wrote on Wattpad and I have great ideas for this book. So since it's 12:00 in the morning it's officially Sunday. So I'll publish a new part every Sunday. So stay tuned.

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