Chapter One

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Natasha POV

"Natasha? Are you awake?" Clint whispered from the doorway.

"Yeah? What do you need?" I asked, sitting up and turning on the lamp.

Clint bit his lip and looked at the floor.

"Um, I can't sleep," he admitted.

I patted the bed as I moved over to make space for him. Clint crossed the room silently and sat on the edge of my bed. He seemed hesitant but after a moment he threw the sheets back and slipped into the bed next to me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked softly, leaving the light on for the moment.

"No, sorry."

I nodded and reached over Clint to turn off the light. I let my arm fall across Clint's chest and stay there for a moment. I made him look at me. I could barely see his face in the now dark room but the longer I looked at him, the better I could see. I leaned down and kissed him softly until we both needed air.

"Thanks Nat," Clint whispered nearly inaudibly.

"Sure thing. Sleep well, alright?" I asked, pressing myself up against him and resting my head on his chest.

Clint's arm curled around me and rested softly in my hair. His lips were pressed against the top of my head. I could hear every inhale and exhale of air from his lungs. Clint's fingers ran through my hair for a while, probably to calm himself down.

"It was a nightmare," he said softly as if he thought I was asleep. I knew better than to say anything. He'd talk if he wanted to.

"And I was guarding the Tesseract again."

His fingers paused for a moment and his breathing quickened.

"And then he was there. And I was gone. But the worst part Nat, I was trapped in my own head and I couldn't get out. And when we were on the catwalk...if you hadn't have known me so well, you'd be dead."

I remained still and Clint sighed into my hair.

"I know you say it isn't my fault, but it is. If I had done something, anything, in that underground room, maybe I wouldn't have been his puppet."

I felt him sigh again. He was silent for a long time. After a while I figured out he had fallen asleep. I breathed out a small sigh and wrapped my arm a little tighter around Clint's waist.

"It's alright. You're you now, it's going to take time," I whispered softly.

I stayed awake for a good hour later, waiting to see if he would wake up. He never did so I let my eyes slip shut.

I woke up to an empty bed. I blinked and pushed myself up into a sitting position.

"Clint?" I called softly.

There wasn't an answer. I fought down the knot if worry that started to form in my gut. Clint was a grown man. He can take care of himself, I reassured myself. I slipped out of bed and stretched for a few minutes. I rolled my shoulders as I moved towards the couch that my spare set of clothes was laid out on.

So far Clint and I hadn't moved in with the rest of the team completely. I pulled on my clothes and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth thoroughly, ridding my mouth of the horrible taste from last nights sleep. I ran a comb through my knotted hair. Damn Clint messing my hair up, I thought, grinning widely.

Once I had finished my morning routine I went down to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Ms. Romanoff," Steve greeted from the fridge.

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