Chapter Eight

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Clint POV

If I could get my hand free of this handcuff, I could hopefully escape. The room they were keeping me in was near the door leading outside. Why had no one, Natasha, why hadn't Natasha come for me? How long had it been? I couldn't think of anything, my head still fuzzy from the drugs.

I couldn't move my free arm, the break causing too much pain. I leaned my head back against the chair. The cut above my eye itched. My chest throbbed dully and I winced.

Where was Natasha? Shield usually would have saved me by now. Why was I still here? In the Red Room.

You're going to work for us, Winter had promised.

I felt panic well up at that thought. It had clicked a while ago who he was. I was terrified of when he would come back. Natasha had told me so many stories about him.

I looked around lazily. I stifled a yawn. I was so tired. The beatings were wearing me out. My legs ached from sitting in the chair so long. My neck had a kink in it from how I rested it against the chair. I turned my head painfully to look at my wrist. It was bloody from me yanking over and over at the cuff. I yanked once more as the door started to open. The Winter Soldier strode in with another man close behind.

"So you were the one who bypassed Shield's defenses and nearly brought the helicarrier to the ground?" The man asked.

I shook my head and closed my eyes, pushing down the guilt that resurfaced.

"Don't lie. You should be proud. Many people couldn't do that."

"Wasn't me."

A blow to my face sent my head into the back of the chair. I felt blood leak from my nose. I struggled to breathe properly. I kept my eyes closed. I flinched when Winter's hand closed around my throat, steadily adding pressure to my windpipe.

"Don't lie."

I didn't respond, trying to keep myself calm. He removed his hand but I didn't reply still, kept my eyes closed still.

"You're going to help us take down Shield, Hawkeye. And then your, ah, team."

I opened my eyes at that. The other man was grinning maliciously. Winter remained stoic.


Another blow to my face nearly made me lose consciousness. My cheek was bleeding.

"I'm not going to. I won't!"

"You aren't going to have a choice," the man said, still smiling.


"Do I have to spell it out for you?" He laughed cruelly before walking out.

Winter turned to follow.

"Wait. Black Widow, you helped her? She was your friend?" I asked.

He paused and turned back around, a slight questioning look on his face.

"At one time, yes," he replied in a slightly different tone.

"She's going to find me."

"You're dead to them. They don't know you're alive."

"But- what did he mean I won't have a choice?"

An emotion flitted across his face but quickly vanished before I could place it.

"Exactly that."

"What does-"

"Brainwashing, Barton."

Fear enveloped me again. Winter looked at me for a long moment before walking out. My chest tightened to the point of pain. I couldn't breathe. The room seemed to spin uncontrollably. Not again. It can't happen again. I drew in a shuddering breath and nearly vomited. I jerked my hand repeatedly, trying to get out of the cuff. I needed to get out of here. Tears leaked down my face as I tried to escape.

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