Chapter Three

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Natasha POV

I stood there for a minute once Clint was gone before running down the rest of the stairs. I burst out into the alley and waited a minute to see if Clint was coming.

I didn't want to leave but I couldn't wait any longer. I climbed up the same fire escape from before.

An acrid smell filled my nose and I paused. That smelled like...smoke. I turned around and my heart plummeted. The building was on fire.

"Clint!" I yelled, hoping that maybe he was nearby instead of in the building.

The flames surged upward and I could only watch in horror.

"C'mon Clint. Get out of there," I pleaded.

The flames were bathing everything in an orange light. I could feel the heat from the flames. I turned away to get to a safer distance. I was thrown off my feet when the building exploded. Heat seared my back and I rolled.

"Clint!" I screamed.

There were sirens. I couldn't move. I finally pushed myself up. I wiped my cheeks clear of the tears that had fallen and I sat down on the roof, pulling my knees up to my chest.

I was slightly aware of myself sobbing. I couldn't catch my breath. Everything burned. I finally pushed myself up from where I was sitting when the building was put out. I turned on my heel and fled. Once I was back in the Quinjet I began crying again. I shakily pulled out my phone.

"Hello?" Steve asked upon answering.


I choked and wiped my eyes on my sleeves. I whimpered in pain.

"Natasha? What's wrong? Where are you?"


"Tony! Tony, trace the call," Steve yelled faintly.

"Natasha, are you okay?" His voice was closer.

"Clint. He-"

I choked again and dropped the phone, sobbing into my knees.

I didn't know how long I sat there. My back was burning and I continue crying. Clint didn't get out.

I bit my lip against the pain from my back. Clint had promised he'd be right after me.

"Natasha? What happened?" Tony asked.

"Where's Barton?"

I couldn't answer.

"It's okay, I've got you. I'm going to take you to a hospital. Alright? Where's Barton? Steve needs to know."

I shook my head and cried again.

"Clint! Where's Clint, Natasha!"

I blacked out as Tony lifted me into his arms.

"Natasha. Wake up," someone was saying.

I opened my eyes and was greeted by the white walls of shield medical. It all came back. I couldn't breathe past the lump in my throat.

"Natasha! Calm down."

"Where's Barton?"

My eyes focused on the man standing over me. He should be dead too.


"Where's Clint? They're looking for him."

"Coulson," I said, fighting back tears.

Coulson's hand cupped my cheek and his eyebrows furrowed with concern.

"Natasha, can you hear me?" He asked seriously.

I nodded and his thumb brushed away a stray tear.

"Where's Clint?"


"Calm down, okay? Take a deep breath, Natasha."

I nodded and did as he instructed.

"Clint, he didn't make it out. Coulson he didn't get out," I choked out.

"Get out? Of what?"

"Building. It was on fire."

"Clint's dead?"

I nodded and Coulson bent down, hugging me softly. I cried on his shoulder and wished with all my might that Clint would walk through the door.

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