Chapter Two

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Clint POV

"So let me get this straight, Fury wants us to infiltrate a company run by Hydra, to get information?" I asked Natasha.

She nodded and I let my head drop into my hands. I felt her sit next to me and then her hand was in my hair.

"It'll be easy. Simple get in and get out mission."

I nodded and Natasha's hand left my hair.


"Yeah?" I asked, lifting my head to look at her.

"We should get ready for the mission."

"Of course," I sighed, standing up.

I followed her to her room. My stuff was still in her room from the last mission.

"So we're breaking in at night?" I asked.

Natasha nodded. I grabbed my uniform off her couch and went into the bathroom to change. I splashed some cold water on my face. I pulled on my uniform and leaned over the sink for a bit.

Why did they trust me? I led an attack against them. We didn't know if I was still compromised or not. What if-

"Clint? Are you ready?" Natasha asked from the other side of the door.

"Yeah. Yeah," I said, shaking myself and splashing my face once more before opening the door.

I dried the water off my face with one of her towels.

"Let's go," I said, moving gently past her.

I picked my quiver and bow up from the weapons rack and then we were heading for a Quinjet.

"So, Russia?" I asked.

Natasha nodded and I bit my lip.

"Why do you trust me?" I asked once we were in the air.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"How about I nearly killed you for starters?"

Natasha looked at me and I looked away.

"That wasn't you."

"But it was! It was my bow, my arrows, me who tried to kill you! I led an attack against shield and you still trust me!"

"That wasn't you! Okay? That was Loki."

"Tell that to the agents I killed."

"Clint," she sighed.

"Fine. Whatever, forget I mentioned it."

Natasha nodded and we remained silent for the rest of the flight. Natasha made us go along rooftops to get to the target building. It was freezing.

"I'm sorry," I sighed as we studied the building in front of us for signs that anyone was still inside.

"It's fine Clint. We'll talk about it later."


I shimmied down to the fire escape and waited for Natasha. We crept along the alley between the two buildings.

"Back door, convenient," I remarked quietly.


I bit my lip and waited as she disarmed the alarm system. Once we were clear I crept in first, arrow knocked. Empty.

"Which floor?" I asked quietly.


I nodded and looked for a door to the stairs. Natasha followed silently as I headed up the stairs first. I picked the lock to the office in about six seconds. I smirked at Natasha and pushed the door open slowly.

Empty. I breathed out a small sigh of relief and crept over to the desk.

I turned on the computer and leaned back in the chair.

"You know, it's really hard trying to act like nothing's wrong?" Natasha asked me.

"Yeah. It is."

"So why do it?"

I shrugged and typed in the right password to unlock the computer.

"Cause," I shrugged.

"Alright, hand me the flash drive," I said.

Natasha handed it over and I started trying to get into to the secure folders.

The light in the hall suddenly came on while the files were downloading.

"That's not supposed to happen," I whispered, shooting Natasha a worried look.

"Hurry up."

"I can't."

Natasha crept to the door. The file finished downloading and I pulled the USB out, shutting down the computer.

"Got it."

I grabbed my bow and Natasha pulled the door open. The elevator was stopped on this floor. The doors opened just as we reached the stairs.

A man stepped out and froze when he saw us.

"Run!" I yelled, shoving the door to the stairs open.

Natasha ran down the stairs and alarms sounded throughout the building.

"C'mon!" She yelled.

I turned and ran down the stairs after her. The alarms stopped and I frowned. I caught up with Natasha when she froze on one of the landings.

"They stopped."

"Yeah, noticed," I said.

"Someone's here then."

"Take the flash drive."


"Natasha! Take the flash drive. You're faster so if someone finds us, you'll have a better chance of getting it out of here. Now lets go."

I thrust the flash drive into her hands and we continued down the stairs. About halfway to the bottom I heard a door lower down slam and then boots running up the stairs.

"Wait here, I'll draw them away. When I do, run. I'll be right after you."


"Do it Natasha!"

She nodded and I kissed her quickly before continuing down the stairs. There were maybe five men with guns. I cursed and shouldered open a door.

I could hear them following me. I took the first left and stayed by the wall.

I took a deep breath and turned back around the corner letting the arrow fly. One of the men dropped and I reached for another arrow. I drew another and fired it about the time a bullet ripped through my arm.

I grunted and knocked another arrow anyways. Another man fell and I smirked slightly.

There was a sharp pain in the back of my head and I fell to my knees.

My bow was wrenched from my grasp and I struggled to stand up. There was another hit to the back of my head and lights flashed behind my eyes. I felt myself falling forward as my eyes slipped close.

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