Chapter Twenty Five

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Clint POV

I was aware of voices around me but was unable to wake up. They all seemed to blur together in a chorus of highs and lows. Everything felt really heavy; my eyelids seemed glued shut. I tried my hardest to wake up but couldn't so I gave up.

The next time I was aware of voices they seemed clearer. I still couldn't make out who it was speaking but they seemed closer. I strained to open my eyes but they still felt glued shut.

I turned my attention to the voices again. There were fewer than before I think. Well it sounded like it.

Why can't I wake up? It was really irritating. I tried in vain to move any part of my body. I couldn't even huff in annoyance at the fact that I was slipping into unawareness again.

"Been two weeks, Clint. Please wake up," a voice was saying the next time I became aware of voices.

"I know you can get past this. It's just like Singapore. You were in a coma then too."

Natasha. That must mean I'm out of the Room. I'm home. I wanted to sob with relief.

"Tony said you would be you when you wake up. That he figured it all out."

My body felt much too numb but I could faintly feel a hand in my hair.

"Clint, please. Just stop...this. Stop it, please."

I wanted to answer her. My tongue felt like lead in my mouth. There was a faint grip around my left hand.

"I know you can wake up, Clint. I get that you want a break, but this isn't the time. I know that you're tired but please, just wake up even for a minute. So we can know you're okay."


"I love you Clint. Don't leave me. Not like this without even a chance to fight back."

I couldn't help it when I started to slip away again.

"Even Coulson is saying that we should pull the plug soon, Clint. It's been almost a month."

"I- I can't though. Because that means you'll have just given up. And that you didn't hear me, don't hear me. I talked to you in Singapore too. Do you remember that?"


"How about that time in London where you got us arrested? You punched a cop in the face when he insulted me."

Stop talking like this. Stop it. I'm not gone, Natasha. I'm right here, back home.

"Or that time in Paris where you bet me after that op that you could jump two stories down and not break anything. You broke your leg and whined about it for two months after."

Shut up.

"And then in Alaska where we had a snowball fight? Do you remember that? You fell in a lake and got hypothermia."

Stop talking.

"They're going to pull the plug tomorrow. Clint, I don't want to say goodbye."

Then don't. I slipped away again despite my best efforts.

"Tony, one more hour? Please?"

"Yeah. Okay."

I tried to wake up. I felt like of I could just move anything, anything at all, I would wake up.

"I don't even know if you can hear me, Clint. Wake up."

I can hear you. Don't pull the plug.

"I don't want to say goodbye yet, so I'll just pick up where I left off yesterday."

Don't pull the plug! I'm not gone!

I felt something shatter, like a wall separating me from the rest of my body. I blinked a few times to let my eyes adjust.

"So it was Vancouver and it was flooding and you kissed me," she said, eyes closed with my left hand between both of hers.

"Best kiss ever," I croaked.

Her eyes snapped open and a sob of relief escaped her lips. Her arms were suddenly around me and her lips were on my forehead. I shakily rubbed her back as she cried into my shoulder.

"'S okay, Nat. I'm fine. I'm home."

"You scared me so much," she stuttered in between sobs, punching my shoulder just hard enough to leave a light bruise.

"I'm sorry."

She hugged me again and kissed me gently. I brushed her tears away with as trembling hand.

"'S okay, Nat," I reassured.

"I love you so much. I thought I was going to lose you again."

I nodded tiredly and felt exhaustion wash over me.

"Sleep, okay? Just don't go into a coma again or I'll kill you," she smiled and wiped her eyes again before kissing my forehead.

"Yes ma'am," I muttered before falling asleep again.

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