Chapter Twenty Three

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Natasha POV

"None of your business. It was a dream," Clint snapped.

"Okay," I agreed softly.

Clint looked sick. His skin was paler and he was sweating. I watched him for a moment. It looked as if he were going to throw up.

"Hey, are you going to be sick?"

Clint didn't reply, just sat there in a dazed manner. He sluggishly rubbed his eye before slumping to the floor. I dropped down on my knees next to him and rolled him onto his back.

"Clint? Clint."

I shook his arm quickly but he didn't wake up. I bit the inside of my lip and tried to stay calm.

"Jarvis, tell Bruce I need him. Now."

"Right away ma'am."

"Clint, wake up," I said, placing my fingers on the artery in his neck.

Even there I couldn't get a steady pulse; it was still too fast and uneven.

"Natasha, what happened?" Bruce asked as he ran in.

If he was surprised to see Clint, he didn't show it.

"I don't know," I replied worriedly.

Bruce bent down and picked Clint up. I scrambled to my feet and followed him down to Tony's lab.

Bruce set Clint on one of the couches and started to check his pulse. Bruce let his usual mask fall slightly and I saw the worry that played openly across his face for a minute.

"Get Tony," Bruce said.

I nodded and ran out of the lab and down to the dining room. Tony, Steve, and Thor all looked up at my sudden appearance.

"Tony! Bruce needs you! Clint-"

Tony stood up so quickly his chair fell over and he ran past me. I glanced at Thor and Steve who were both staring at me.

"Clint?" They asked simultaneously.

I nodded and turned to go back.

"Stay out of the lab, Natasha!" Tony yelled over the intercom.

I felt my worry intensify and my knees felt weak. Clint had to be okay. I can't lose him again.

"Natasha, it will be okay," Thor said confidently as he pulled me into a hug.

I nodded against his chest and tried not to cry. Thor and Steve shared a look when I pulled away.

"C'mon, let's watch a movie," Steve suggested.

I knew they were trying to distract me so I followed them to the screening room gratefully.

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