Chapter Four

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Clint POV

I woke up with a dull, insistent ache in the back of my head. I tried to lift a hand up and see why my head was hurting but found it chained to a pole. I was slowly aware of a gag in my mouth. The floor beneath me vibrated and I looked around.

There was a window. It was dark outside, but I figured out I was on a train. I tried to spit the gag out so I could breathe better. Where was Natasha? A sliding door was pulled open. I glanced over.

A man with longish brown hair was in the doorway. I struggled against the handcuffs but stopped when a wave of nausea swept over me.

I lifted my gaze back to the man. There was a scarf or something covering his lower face. He was dressed in gear similar to what I wore but more like Natasha's. His left arm seemed to gleam.

He walked over to me and pulled the gag out of my mouth. I gasped down a lungful of air and tried not to throw up.

"русский?" He asked.

I couldn't think straight enough to translate.

"English?" He asked.

I nodded slightly.

"Who are you?" He asked, pulling the scarf down.


His hand cracked into my jaw. I bit down on my cheek determined not to throw up.

"I asked you a question. It's in your best interest to answer."

I shook my head. His eyes narrowed and the gag was forced back in my mouth. My head pounded and I leaned back against whatever was behind me. The man stayed in the room, watching me. My eyes slipped close of their own accord and I passed out.

I woke up when I was being pulled to my feet. I was led off the train and I squinted at the light. My head throbbed painfully and I looked around. I was being led towards a low lying building.

I jerked and tried to break away from whoever was holding me. A blow to the back of my head made me yell out into the gag and fall to my knees.

I was hauled back up to my feet and I turned my head to see who was holding me. I wasn't surprised to see that it was the man from before. The ground seemed to away beneath my feet. I followed the shoves to the building.

At least Natasha had the flash drive.

I was shoved again through the door. I looked around quickly, trying to figure out who these people were.

The grip on my upper arm tightened until I groaned into the gag.

I was dragged forward. People in greenish grey uniforms stopped to look at me. I finally spotted something on the arm that was gripping mine. Red star. I followed the tug on my arm into a bare room. The man who was leading me tossed me into a metal chair bolted to the floor. I groaned and lifted my hands up to the back of my head. There was dried blood crusted in my hair. The cuff was taken off my left hand only to be fastened to the chair.

"Who are you?"

I shook my head, biting my lip. Whoever this man was, I wasn't going to talk.

There wasn't any emotion in the man's voice. His hand gripped my jaw and his eyes narrowed.

"If you don't answer. I'll kill you."

I can't die. I need to find out if Natasha is okay.

"Clint. Clint Barton," I said.

"Who do you work for?"

"I'm not-"

I caught the gleam of a knife a second before it sunk into my leg. I couldn't stop the scream that followed.

"Who do you work for?"


The knife was twisted in my leg, digging into the bone. I screamed again.

"I will kill you. You have ten seconds to answer," he said flatly.

"Ten, nine..."

The icy eyes held no emotion. I didn't doubt that he would kill me. Which is more important, Natasha or not betraying shield?

"Shield," I gasped.

He nodded and left, leaving the knife in my leg.

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