Chapter Twenty Seven

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Clint POV

"Wake up," Natasha said, nudging my shoulder again.

"Why?" I grumbled.

"It's time for breakfast, and you need to eat," she said.

"Not hungry," I yawned, rolling over to face her.

"Suit yourself," she shrugged.

I brushed one of her curls out of her face and smiled happily.

"Are you feeling okay, Clint?"

"I'm fine," I reassured.


"Are you still tired?" She asked.

"A little, but I'll be fine."

"Lazy day then?" Natasha asked.

"Mmm, yeah," I agreed.

"We haven't had one of those for a long time," she said, reaching over me to turn the lamp off.

"Hey, you guys want breakfast?" Tony called through the door.

"Why is everyone babying me?" I complained.

Natasha laughed quietly and swung out of bed to answer the door. I rolled over and pressed my face into the pillows.

"Thanks Tony. Who made it?" Natasha asked from the door.

"Don't worry, Steve and Bruce cooked. They wouldn't even let me help," Stark said.

"Is Clint okay?" Tony asked lowly but I still heard.

"I'm fine," I grumbled.

"Oh, he's awake. Well, you guys eat and watch a movie or something."

"Thanks, Tony," I called.

"No problem."

The bed dipped down beside me and I turned my head to look at Natasha.

"Scrambled eggs, toast, bacon,muffin, and orange juice," she smiled.

It smelt really good. I sighed and rolled back over onto my back and sat up against the headboard.

"Give me a plate," I yawned.

"Thought you weren't hungry."

"I am now," I said as my stomach growled.

Natasha smiled and sat down next to me, setting her legs across mine as she balanced the tray between us. I picked up a fork and speared some eggs. Natasha watched me eat for a moment before doing so herself.

"A movie would be nice," I said thoughtfully.

"Yeah. It's been forever since we've had a lazy day together."

I nodded in agreement and munched on some toast.

"Indiana Jones or Star Trek?" Natasha asked.

"Star Trek. I haven't seen it yet."

Natasha grinned and set the tray completely in my lap as she got up to put the movie in. I finished off the last piece of bacon and set the tray down on the floor next to the bed. I wrapped my arm around Natasha and settled into a comfortable position, leaning against her softly.

I kissed her cheek and earned a smile from her. Despite my best efforts, about halfway through the movie I dozed off.

"Clint?" Natasha was asking, voice laced with worry.

"Mmm?" I replied sleepily.

"You okay?"

"Yeah? Just tired."


I opened my eyes and lifted my head off her shoulder. I stretched for a moment and sat back up. Natasha's gaze followed me worriedly. I sighed and laced my fingers through her's rubbing the back of her hand with my thumb.

"I swear I'm okay," I repeated for what felt like the hundredth time.


I kissed her quickly and cupped her face with my free hand. There was a knock on the door and I pulled away with a sigh. Natasha started to get up but I pulled her back down.

"I'll get it."

She nodded and I stood up shakily, weaker than I cared to show to Natasha. I walked over to the door and pulled it open. Coulson stood in the doorway. As soon as the door was completely open he pulled me into a hug.

"Tony just told me you were okay," he breathed, relief evident in his voice.

I wrapped my arms tightly around Coulson and sighed into his jacket.

"I'm fine, sir."

"I know."

Coulson let go of me and grinned.

"Well, I hope I wasn't I interrupting anything, but I wanted to see you," Coulson said.


"Rest, okay?" Coulson said.

"Yes, dad."

He laughed and left after giving me another hug. I turned around to see Natasha crying. I walked over quickly and kissed her softly.

"Don't cry," I pleaded.

"I'm not sad."

"Then why are you-"

"I'm happy you're okay."

I nodded and kissed her again.

"I'll never leave again," I promised.

Natasha smiled and kissed me again.

"Are you sure?"

"Very. 'Cause if I had a ring, I'd propose."

Natasha cried harder and laughed.

"I'm being serious!" I complained.

"I know. It's just I don't care about rings."

I laughed and wiped her cheeks dry.

"We're married then," I grinned.

"Pretty sure we've been married for a while now. I mean we sleep together all the time, practically live in each others rooms, not to mention the fact we fight like a married couple all the time."

I kissed her again and held her against my chest until she stopped crying.

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