Chapter 1

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Amy walked into her room, sat on her bed and pulled out her computer, She looked at all her

Emails. 99% of them from clients and 1 % of them from soraya (She had 100 emails).

She clicked on the one from soraya and that very second Ty, her husband walked into the room

"Hey Amy," he uttered.

"Hello, I just got an email from soraya. I havent spoken to her in ages!'She replied.

"What does it say?" He asked.

"It says:

Hi Amy,

and Ty I know you're there! Dillon and I got in a huge fight and broke up. He cheated on me. I will be coming back there to stay permanently. Mum is staying though. We should catch up sometime. We've barely talked except for emails!

From your Friend,


"Well... that's a change!" Ty stated.

"Yeah, how about we meet one afternoon on a sunday after church?" Amy asked, "Do you have

Any vet stuff?"

"No, I don't have any'vet stuff'Mrs. Borden!" Ty smiled playfully

"Are you sure Dr. Borden?'" Amy asked playfully.

"Yes I am sure!" He stated.

"Amy set the laptop on thee bedside table and a piercing rush of pain shot through her ribcage.

A different kind of face was planted on amy's face. "Whew" she grunted,running out of air.

"Are you okay?" Ty asked.

I was trying to break a horse today and the horse did not co-operate," She

explained, "I am going to hit the hay now. Goodnight."

"Goodnight" he replied.

Amy closed her eyes and within some seconds she was in a very deep, peaceful and soothing


A/N First chapter hopefully You like it! I promise you it gets better! Comment your thoughts below

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