chapter 4

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Scrubbing the dishes, Amy smiled. Things were going well. Amy's tummy was beginning to show but she didn't care she was proud of the life that the lord our creator had given her. She did feel tired and sore more easily but she had been through many accidents and could handle soreness. Ty strutted through the door in a very Ty-like manner.

"Amy! So I was thinking, what about our own house? from the money, I have saved up from not paying rent and some inheritance I just got from my grandmother who just randomly gave me something for all the years she wasn't there for me. Anyway, how about a house? of our own?" Ty asked

"We should, no offense to Lou but this house is already full of children and we don't want it to get too full, you know. Plus I'm pretty sure Lou, Katie, Georgie, Lisa and Jack don't want a baby crying the whole night." Amy replied

"Yes, I agree. I was a little uneasy when Lou suggested that Katie and the bay share a room," Ty replied.

"Yes, I know," Amy grinned.

"You know me too well," Ty said leaning in for a kiss "Where should it be?"

"Not too far from here, probably a big house and a nice piece of land. I want my daughter to be able to go riding on her own ground!" Amy smiled.

"With a barn"

"And a shed"

"Perfect" Ty smiled, then he kissed Amy.

"Hey, guys!" Georgie interrupted, "Sorry smooch on" Georgie scurried into the distance and Mr. + Mrs. Borden let out a laugh.

"I have to go off to work"Ty said planting a kiss on Amy's cheek, "I will see you later!"

"Bye Ty" Amy farewelled as he rushed out of the door. As soon as her was gone she yelled, "GEORGIE!"

Georgie scurried down the stairs asking, "Yeah Amy?"

"You are going to help me with my horse training since I am going to need a little help. Please help me, or else Lou or someone else will band me from horse riding and training," Amy said.

"Okay, I'll help if you will give me a half hour of jumping coaching because I promised Lou that I would enter this completion next week and obviously I need some pointers," Georgie agreed.

"It's a deal. I have a client who needs a horse to go around some barrels and Dia, the horse won't co-operate," Amy said.

Georgie nodded. It took them two hours of impatient work to get the horse, rose around the barrels slowly. They called it a day. Then Georgie went over jumps whiles Amy gave her some poi pointers.

After that and all of Amy's chores, she sat on the couch reading a magazine with printed on the top, saying that she was pregnant and would be returning to her work in a few months and a few of her many accomplishments. Ty, didn't realize she was on then walked by into the room.

A/N: Not a huge chapter but it is worth reading. Do you like the Amy/Georgie relationship? Tell me what you think.

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