Chapter 25

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Time skip to 8 months pregnant

"Amy!" Ty called as he strode into their house, not taking off his jacket, only his boots.

Amy walked around the corner, clearly showing off her twin-pregnant belly through a white shirt, "Yeah?" She asked, putting a loving hand on her belly, her fingers embracing love that swooped through her veins.

Ty walked over and placed a hand on his wife's belly. " Hello, little ones."

Amy smiled, "That's adorable."

Amy felt a little bit of pain go through her, but ignored it, it happened all the time.

"You feeling all right?" Ty asked, grabbing ahold of her hand, in concern.

"It's just a bit of pain, it happens all of the time. You get used to it," She replied, taking his one hand off her belly and into her other hand.

"Well alright, I just went by heartland to see Scott who was over there, anyway Jack invited us all over for supper. He said if we couldn't come just to call him. Are you alright?" He asked, placing a hand behind her back.

"Yes, of course I'm fine. I'll get Kiarra, I haven't seen Lou in a very long time, and I rarely see Georgie unless she comes here with Steven or to check up on me," She told Ty, "It'd be great to see them."

"Alright, you want to get Kiarra? I'll do some feeding of the horses," He asked Amy, who was picking something off of the floor.

"Yes, I'll grab and get her ready. We'll meet you in the barn after," Amy told Ty, as she gave him a hug and went around the corner to get Kiarra ready.

Amy saw her small girl, the girl with deep green eyes and thin blonde hair, she was Amy's princess. Amy smiled, and felt a tear being formed in her eye from happiness. She grabbed Kiarra and pulled her into an affectionate hug, then grabbed her hand, and pulled on her coat, and mine, too as it was Feburary and a bit cold outside.

They walked to the car, and were accompanied by Ty. Like usual we turned on the country radio station and the song "our song" By Taylor swift came on. I started to sing along, and Ty was smiling. Kiarra didn't know what was going on but she felt the happiness in the air, so she was smiling and laughing.

The song ended, and I remarked to Ty, "I just realized something."

"What is it, Amy?" Ty asked, looking at me, into my eyes, as if they were searching for something in them.

She exclaimed, "We need a bigger car!"

He looked puzzled, and then his whole expression went into an expression of understanding and thinking, finally he replied, "Why you are right, we do."

With that they pulled into Heartland, Amy was feeling slight pains, often, but that was only because she was pregnant, right?

"Hey Jack," Ty greeted with a hug, Amy and Kiarra followed behind.

"Is this the both of you, wow! Haven't you both grown!" He exclaimed.

"GG!" Kiarra yelled to get a hug from her grandfather, who accepted it with arms wide open.

"Why thank you Grandpa,I am 9 months pregnant with twins, to be fair," Amy retorted, a little offended by the comment.

" I was kidding Sweetheart, you look lovely," Jack told her.

"Thanks!" She replied, and then held the nearest chair and let out a breath.

Jack rushed to her side, "Are you alright Amy?"

"Yah, um, It happens a lot, being pregnant and all," She replied, "I'm alright."

"Thank goodness, I thought you were going into labor," Jack replied to her, giving her a hug.

"I shouldn't be, although I have been having a lot of pains today, through the day," She replied, taking her Grandfathers hand of getting up.

Lou rushed in the kitchen, " Wait you said you have been having pains all day?"

"Yeah, I have, but today has been a lot more fluent...... Wait no? You don't think?" Amy asked, in awe, but a little scared.

"Yah, I think so," Lou grabbed Amy's hand.

"What are you talking about?" Ty asked, confused, walking out beside them, helping Amy.

"The twins are ready to come into the world," Lou replied before Amy had a chance to utter a single word.

Realization of the situation formed inside Ty's mind, and it was shown in his eyes. Amy was slid into the seat Carefully. Kiarra was given to Georgie, who was with her friend Starr. Starr was over for dinner as well, boy was that perky girl coming over often!

Lou, Starr and Georgie hopped into another car and followed right behind them.

Amy's contractions were getting shorter and shorter apart, and she would scream during them, which frightened her husband out a lot, he was always there for a hand to hold or crush.

"Ahhhhhh....." She breathed in and out very deeply, for pain was taking out her womb. She lay a hand on it, and it cooled down.

Ty turned a corner, "Don't worry Baby, it'll all be fine."

Without uttering a word she nodded her head, taking a breath in.

They got to the hospital, Ty yelled, "Woman in labor! Help! My wife is in labor!"

Georgie, Lou, Starr and Kiarra arrived right behind them, Starr was holding Kiarra who was very shocked at the sight of her mom in pain.

A few doctors rushed a medical bed to her, and got her on the bed. Ty held her hand as she was being wheeled away.

Kiarra started yelling "Mummy!" Starr and Georgie tried to calm her down, while Lou was watching out in the distance, looking at her sister, about to be giving birth to two wonderful babies.

Hi guys! So cliff hanger, there are like 3-5 more chapters! So yah that will be fun! Please vote comment, blah, blah, blah.

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