Chapter 18

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Amy and Ty got to the Airport right on time, with Kiarra in the stroller, they rushed to the line and through customs, then all the way to the waiting area. Kiarra was snoozing away in Amy's arms. They had gotten to the waiting area at least 30 minutes before entry, it was better this way because there was nothing standing in their way to being in that plan on time.

Thirty minutes ahead a lovely flight attendant with dark red hair was at the gate, "Hello I am Andrea, and who are you sir and your lovely family?" She asked with a smile.

"Hello Andrea, I am Ty Borden, this is my wife Amy Borden, and my Daughter Kiarra," Ty replied, having a little smirky smile thinking of all of these accomplishments, "We have first class, these are our tickets."

"Wow first class, have fun, we have our first class tickets in the back of the plane. It is a room, carry on through economy class, business class and then all the way back to the first class, and the room number will be 73," Andrea instructed.

"Thank you, Andrea," Amy replied, shifting sleeping kiarra in her arms.

"No problem Mr. and Mrs. Borden," She replied with a smile.

"Thank-you Andrea," Amy replied.

"Good-bye," Ty stated.

She nodded her head, and the small family was ushered along, they walked through economy class, through business class who were all doing the get-all-the-work-in-right-now thing, they were tapping those computer screens so fast their heads must have been exploding. Then they went through to first class. Ty looked amazed and glanced over at his wife, "wow" he mouthed to her, she smiled, "This must be it room 73."

It wasn't a real room it was just a sectioned off area, full with a bed. The TV screens were amazing and big, even a computer plug was there.

"Look at this," Ty said, "It's amazing, and to think it ours for the night and its free!"

"Yeah," She smiled, "It was never as luxury as this on the European tour!"

A weird look went over ty's face.

Amy then realized that some rough ground had been pointed out, "Oh Ty I'm sorry it just came out! I'm really sorry! Please forgive me!"

"It's okay, it just made things awkward," Ty stated.

Amy nodded, then sat on the bed. "If you think about it, we have never been on a plane together."

"Yeah, we haven't" Ty stated, " considering our honeymoon was a long romantic road trip."

"Yes, it is," She replied.

"Attention all passengers of the airplane. This is flight #33456, if you are not on the right flight please get off. Thank you for choosing Private Air, now for the safety precautions..." The voice coming through the intercom went through detailed emergency procedures. He stated where to get help if needed, which was the emergency distress button on the left on Amy's side of the bed, and ended with a greeting.

After that, Amy yawned, " I'm going to rest now."

"Alright darling," Ty stated, "I'll look after Kiarra, go on and rest."

"I love you," Amy told Ty.

" I love yo too," Ty told Amy, holding here hand as she dozed off.

Meanwhile at Heartland, Georgie came home from school with Starr Jenkins, a new friend of hers. They walked through the door at Heartland. Like usual Lou was in the kitchen making some kind of food.

"Hi Mom," Georgie greeted her mother encountering a hug from the woman.

"Hi Georgie," Lou replied, then looking over at Starr she inquired, "Is this your friend?"

"Yeah," Georgie replied, "We have a project together and I thought she could stay over until dinner."

"Of course, Starr you're welcome here!" Lou smiled.

"Thank you, Mrs. Morris!" The ginger headed girl replied, "For having me over, that is."

"Of course," Lou smiled, "What kind of project do you have?"

"We have to research Queen victoria's grand life and then make a screenplay on it. It has to be 10 pages," Starr replied, "It's reeeeaaaaallllllyyyyyyyy long! But, we'll get a good grade, right Georgie?"

"Yeah," Georgie replied, "But we have a lot to do, come on Starr lets go up to my room."

"Alright!" Starr exclaimed with a smile and ran up the stairs, behind Georgie.

Georgie put her black backpack beside her bed and got up on the bed. Starr followed suit.

"What do we know about Queen Victoria?" Georgie asked, grabbing a sheet of paper ready to jot down a whack of notes.

"Well she was born on May 24, 1819, and her full name is Alexandria Victoria, not just Queen Victoria, but she is known as Queen Victoria," Starr told Georgie.

"Good," Georgie stated, "What else?"

"Her father was English and the duke of Kent and her mother was- this is a long one- Princess Maria Louisa Victoria of Saxe-Coburg Saalfald. And She was a linguist," Starr replied, "But that's all I remember from the book I was reading, it's in my backpack."

Starr grabbed it and took from it and said, "She was a linguist, she spoke German and English, some French and even in later life learned Hindustani. Cool huh?"

"Yah, it's pretty cool, even though I can't even string a phrase in French," Georgie replied.

"I know, the football team is playing at a French School next week, so us cheerleaders have to do all the cheers in French, and there is like three Cheerleaders who can do it. Charlene, Stacey, and April, can do it. I can say every other word, it sucks!" Starr replied, very unhappy.

"Poor you," Georgie stated, "The French Teacher Mr. Hason, knows I can barely say a word, so he is constantly calling on me. It's pretty bad."

"Yes, I notice that he's very picky about the not so good students, last term when I failed a test, he made me do an hour a week of homework assignments, and it was around exam time!" Starr explained, maddened by the fact, "Anyway I should continue with a few things like Queen Victoria was Crowned when she was only 18 in June 1837, but her coronation only happened a year later where the famous chant was yelled, "Long live the queen"

Introduced a new minor character, dedicated to @CharlaLee thanks for that! Got some good chapters being posted soon. THanks for support and thank you Heartland People for creating it, otherwise I wouldnt be writing this now

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