Chapter 3

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A/N: This will be an extremely short chapter. Because it's so short I'll add the 4th Chapter today

Scans had been made and the picture of the baby was on the screen. It was so cute! You could make out a tiny face and small stumps for arms and legs. Amy was in the other room on a bed, not able to see her baby.

Mr. Borden, we have a result of the baby's gender, sir Mrs. Amy Borden will be having a girl,"Doctor Carter said, bored.

" Really! Tests great news!" He replied smiling, with all of the joy in the world.

"Your wife is in there," He stated pointing to a room. Ty took some slow uneasy steps towardsthe room. This was a great day one of the greatest in his whole entire life.

"Ty what is it a boy or a girl?!" Amy asked impatiently when Ty entered the room, not even allowing a breath to escape from his body.

"They didn't tell you?" He asked, surprised, "Isn't it the mom who always gets the news first and then the father?"

"Nope," She replied shaking her head impatiently, "So?!"

"It's a girl from what they can tell," He replied smiling rapidly.

Amy grinned, "a girl!"

(A/N: What did I tell you? It's short, now I'm going to post Chapter four. Hope you enjoyed!)

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