Chapter 13

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Ty Questioned, "Well that dance is coming up, and you want to go?"

"Yes," She responded, "What about Kiarra though?"

"We could bring her, there's always one of those babysitting programs," Ty continued, "Just twenty dollars. Way more reasonable than Mallory! When she is over that is."

"Yes," Amy laughed, "You too have got over that little argument, right?"

"Yeah, it is not even a big memory, it was a long time!" Ty said, "Hey lets go over to Heartland, we haven't been in ages!"

"Ok, we can go over after lunch," Amy added.

After a quick Gobble, the dishes were all in the sink and Kiarra in the car. They finally drove up the driveway.

Georgie was walking and saw the little family getting out of the truck, she ran over to them saying, "Hey guys! What's up?"

"Not much just thought that we would come by and say hello," Ty answered.

"Okay, and Amy there is a miniature horse her maybe Kiarra could ride it!" Georgie proposed to Amy looking excited.

"NO way," Ty responded without a second thought, "MY baby four months old on a horse. No way Jose."

"I was on a horse at around her age," Amy replied.

"Well, I wasn't!" Ty replied.

"How old were you when you started riding?" Georgie questioned.

"19," He replied embarrassed.

"Hmmm......" Georgie replied not believing.

"It's true," Amy corrected Georgie, "Mallory taught him to ride when he arrived at heartland, he could barely even stop."

"Hey, I learned," Ty replied, "But I was a riot kid, a bad boy."\

"Yes he was and I shoved his butt right where it belonged," Amy replied.

"I dreamt of marrying the bossy horsy girl," Ty stated staring into Amy's eyes.

"I dreamt of marrying the naughty boy in the loft," Amy replied staring into his eyes.

"First of all.... Aww! You too are gross! And Ty a riot kid.... Please!" Georgie replied.

"You have no idea," Ty muttered under his breath.

Just then Grandpa Jack crouched out of the door. "Ty, Amy!" He exclaimed, "What brings you over?"

"Just stopping for a visit," Ty replied.

"Jack was Ty a bad boy?" Georgie asked.

"Yes definitely, a total criminal. He skipped work, and was here on probation. A little messed up," Jack replied, "But he turned out all right otherwise he would not be marrying Amy."

"Did Amy shove him into the right place?" She asked.

"Mostly, yes. But I must admit it was not all her. I also got him into shape," Jack answered, "Anyway enough of the past come in, we have my wife Lisa over and Tim as well."

"Okay, we're coming," Ty replied.

Amy lifted the baby to her shoulder and back down, and then Ty grabbed the bag which everything was needed in it. Amy was greeted with a kiss on the cheek from Lou, and a hug from Lisa. She got a hug of some sort from everyone except Tim and Jack who were having a disagreement.

"Amy, how nice to see you!" Lisa said

"How is France?" Amy asked.

"Very exquisite," Lisa answered, "Like always."

Then Lisa went on and on about horses and how cheap it is in France opposing to what all the commercials say.

Lou and Amy talked a little about how life was now that Lou was divorced and Peter was seeing somebody else and not staying at home for a long time. His time was getting farther and farther apart. And Georgie was okay with Peter seeing someone else, and Katie really did not know that much about the concept 'dating' but was starting to know a little.

At around four the Borden's had to get home. Ty had a few little things to get done and Amy had some emails to get to.

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