Chapter 10

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Some days had passed; Steven was now working for Amy and Ty. They had everything running smoothly. They had a great ranch, an affordable ranch hand, work was well and the horses weren't so much of a problem.

Amy was on the phone with Georgie. Amy was in the barn where Steven just "happened" to be.

--------------------------------------------------------- Phone call started----------------------------------

"The community dance is coming up Georgie, who are you going with?"

I don't know...... Carter's asked me and I said that I would think about it.

"Carter's asked you, are you going with him?"

Umm.... I am not sure

"Well,  you should decide soon.... Can you come over to the ranch?"


"Some unfinished business."

Okay be there in five minutes

--------------------------------------------Call ended---------------------------------------------------------

"I'd ask her now. Before she decided to go, with carter," Amy smiled, talking to Steven.

Steven nodded. He had wanted to all along; Amy had just helped him realize it.

Georgie rode up on phoenix, her dark brown pigtails swinging in the sun.

"What's the unfinished business that I am hearing about?" She asked, getting off phoenix.

Amy needed an excuse and fast!

"Well.... I am still trying to figure out what kind of Horse Rain is. Here I have some jumps, get Steven to help you carry them," Amy replied, "He's in the barn."

"Oh, okay.... What are you doing?" Georgie asked.

"I have to go and round him up, I knew my old rope would come in handy one day," Amy stated.

"Okay I'll get them," Georgie said running into the barn.

"Hey Georgie!" Steven called, locking a stall.

"Hey, do you mind helping me undo this? Amy and I need some jumps to test if Rain's a jumping horse," Georgie explained.

"Yeah, sure. I didn't see you around school today," Steven said helping Georgie lift a jump.

"Yeah I missed some classes last week so I had to stay in them late. Mrs. Cringle drives me crazy. I miss one day and she gives me the homework assignment and another assignment for not being there!" Georgie exclaimed in frustration.

"Well, she really does not like you," Steven replied, "Are you going to that community dance?"

" I don't know. Carter Drivel asked me but I'm not sure. Everyone knows that he is so crazy about Amy's skills. I told him I would think about it If no one decent asks me I guess I will have to say yes," Georgie replied battling to lift some jumps.

"So would you like to go with me?" Steven blurted out, "to the dance."

"Yes, I think it will be fun," Georgie replied.

They both howled out the last jump, Amy tied up Spartan and hopped onto rain.

"Put the jumps at half and if he is good enough he will jump it and we will work our way up.

Georgie nodded and set up the jumps. Amy started in an easy jump. Rain soared through every jump reaching for the sky. Rain knew his way around. Amy assumed that he was a jumper or at least was in a competition at least. Amy and Georgie worked their way to the top notch of the jump. Amy's theory was right Rain was 100% a jumper.

Ty walked out with Kiarra in his arms and watched Amy soar over the jumps.

"Thanks Georgie, you really helped me a lot. Let's call it a day. I have some household things to do that you probably don't want to help me with," I told my niece.

"That's okay, see you later Amy. Bye Steven!" She said.

Ty approached Amy with a sleeping baby.

"We have a top scale Jumper here!" Amy exclaimed, highest notch, "If our little baby wants to become a jumper we do have a horse."
"Great news. I cooked some Chili," Ty explained, motioning towards the house where he wanted to eat.

"Oh sorry! I was supposed to cook dinner!" Amy sadly protested, walking along the path to their house.

"Whoa, hold your horses their missy. It is totally fine, you were busy and I was absolutely craving some Chili," Ty answered.

"Ty, I saw this advertising in the newspaper and there is this jumping competition for adults who are not a jumper on the circuit. I was thinking that I could enter, possibly with rain. The entering fee is fifteen dollars," Amy explained.

"Yes, you should enter. Its only fifteen dollars, plus you really want to, I can tell," Ty said.

"Great, I think I will sign up online tonight, "Amy decided, "With God on my side I think, if it is his will, I may had a great shot at this competition."

A truck came up fast; it was a brownish red in color. A lady with wavy brown hair stepped out of the vehicle. It was Kit.

"Hey Kit, it has been awhile," Ty said.

"Yeah it has," Kit replied, "I am town for the next week and I heard you had moved and got the address to come and say hello. SO you two got married and had a child. Amy, the last time you and I saw each other we did that rodeo in Hudson. We did great, I still have that buckle!"

"Yes, same here. It is in my drawer," Amy replied.

"So you married?" Ty asked.

"NO, but soon will be I am currently engaged. What the Baby's name?" Kit asked.

"Oh, this is Kiarra," Amy replied.

"Well, I just stopped by to see you both. I'm in a rodeo here in Hudson so I'll be staying for a week," Kit turned to leave when she remembered something, "Oh yeah Amy great Job on the Jumping circuit. I saw you in a picture, you did wonderful!"

They all said their Good-bye's and Kit hopped in her truck and swerved around the corner.

"Nice to hear from her," Amy said.

"Yeah, we haven't seen each other for a while," Ty replied.

"Well, one thing is for sure I am getting that Chili first!" Amy replied running to the door before Ty could even say "Small potatoes."

Ty ran after her but he was too late. 

Just uploading a bunch of chapters tonight, so yah! Don't forget to comment/vote/like/share.

I always forget this: Only the plot line and Kiarra belongs  to me, the rest belongs to Heartland!

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