Chapter 27

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Lou was over with Katie and Georgie, visiting Amy and her children. It was nice and early, 9 am, Katie loved to come over and play with Kiarra. Since Katie was older, she loved looking like a leader, and she had a blast doing it.

"Lou?" I asked.

"Yeah," She replied, lifting her head from her coffee and her magizine.

"I really am dying to go riding," I started.

"I know, you are," She replied.

"Anyway, can you take care of the kids while I go for a ride?" Amy asked, fingers crossed behind her back, oh how she missed riding those loving animals!

"Yeah, of course. Where's Kiarra?" Lou asked, now standing up.

"Playing in her bedroom with Katie," Amy replied, pointing towards the room.

"The twins?" She asked.

"Sleeping," Amy replied, taking her jacket.

Georgie met her at the door, "Whatcha doing?" 

"Going on a ride with Spartan, wanna join?" Amy asked, grabbing her cowgirl hat.

"Yeah," Georgie exclaimed, "I'd love to! We haven't gone on a trail ride since before you were pregnant!"

"Yup, we haven't! You can ride rain, he hasn't been ridden in a long time," Amy replied, walking out the door with her neice.


Feeling the wind through her hair, and the bounce of a gallop, Amy smiled. She had missed this, it was important that she be careful when carrying twins, as it can be very risky. 

Georgie smiled beside her, thinking of the good times, back when Georgie wasn't dating Stephen and when she was just getting into jumping. Georgie loved the whole atmosphere of riding, the way you sat, the way you could just ride or think out your problems, the way if you did it with a friend or in her case an aunt, then it was just so much better. Amy couldn't stay away long from Jace and Marion, so they decided to head back.

When Amy got back, she had to feed the twins. Then, they fell back asleep.

"So how is everything?" Lou asked, giving Amy a cup of coffee.

"So far so good, considering its only midday, and now I have to make lunch," Amy slouched, complaining about being tired and whatnot.

"Oh hush up!" Lou replied, walking over to the pantry, "I'll make some lunch. So who am I feeding?"

"Kiarra, Katie, Georgie, you and me," Amy replied, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Ok, great. We'll have some sloppy joe's," Lou replied, "You have got to get Kiarra enrolled in Ballet or something."

"Yeah, I was thinking about it. It'd give me some time off without her. Don't get me wrong, I love her but sometimes I just need a break!" Amy replied, "I haven't got time to see any of my friends! I mean Ash has been here quite a while and I havent been able to see her!"

"Yeah, you haven't been able to see Soraya or even Cass either," Lou replied, "Well you and Cass are more like acquaintances but still."

"Yup, that's true," AMy replied, taking another sip of her coffee.

Amy continued to take sips of her coffee while Lou talked about how she should reconnect with old friends when she heard a knock on the door, so she went up and answered it. 

A familiar person was standing at the door.


"Ash!" Amy replied, giving Ashley a big hug, "Come in!"

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