Chapter 14

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Amy was sitting at her ASUS computer checking through hundreds of Emails. When she came across an interesting email that said:

Dear Amy Fleming/Borden,

You are invited to lead a three week horse clinic in Las Vegas from September 31 to October 20. This is a huge deal! If you agree you will be provided with a nice plane ticket you will also be supplied with a top class hotel suite.

We hope you can make it,


Julie Carla

Head of Horse essentials of Las Vegas and Area (HELAA)

Amy jumped from excitement and sped all the way to the kitchen where Ty was finishing up washing the dishes. Scrubbing every last stain off every. Single. Dish. before the dishes were going into the dishwasher.

"Ty!" She exclaimed.

"Yes Amy?" He asked turning his eyes from the washer and turning around to look at Amy and what she had to state.

"I have been invited to lead a clinic in Las Vegas," She replied, smiling, "This hasn't happened in a long time. We should be praising God!"

"Yes, I agree. We should try to make an effort to go. When is it?" Ty asked now right up at Amy looking eye to eye.

"That's the thing..... its long. It is from September 21st to October 20th," Amy replied, "Its three weeks long."

"Well.... That is long. I'm going to phone Scott and see if I can take it off for starters," Ty responded.

"Ok, and if you are okay to take it off then we go but if you can't we do not, right?" She assumed.

"Correct! "He replied tapping a few buttons on his phone, "Would you give me a minute?"

"Yes of course!" She replied walking out of the room, to go and clean the counter, it needed a quick rub down.

---------------------------------------Call started----------------------------------------

"Hey Scott!" Ty exclaimed holding the phone to his ear.

"Hello TY, listen I have a few things to do so would you hurry a bit." Scott replied

"Well Amy's been invited to this clinic in Las Vegas...." Ty started.


"Yeah thanks and the thing is that it is really long, three weeks in fact, we would really like to take a family vacation, so I would need to take some time off work. We haven't replied but if you can't let me go then we'll cancel," Ty explained to his boss.

"You can go but you might want to work some extra night shifts, and the weekend w because you only get 28 days off work and you only have a few left if you want a Christmas break. " Scott explained.

"Ok I'll work this weekend and a few night shifts, if there is any changes I will let you know," Ty explained.

"Oh yeah one question," Scott asked.

"Shoot" Ty replied.

"When are you going?" Scott questioned.

"September 29th or 30th and I'll be back around October 20th or 21st" Ty answered.

"Well TY I have a customer waiting so I will see you soon," Scott relied.

"Bye Scott!" Ty stated

"Bye Ty" Scott uttered.

--------------------------------------------------Call ended----------------------------------------------------

"Amy!" Ty stated.

"Yes," She answered, unsteadily breathing wondering what the answer was, hoping it was s a yes we may go.

"It's all right we may go, but don't get mad, I'll be working a few night shifts this week and some shifts this weekend.

"Great, that's all right I'll just go and send a reply to the invitation," She replied, she tapped a few buttons and voila! She was going to the clinic!

"When's the jumping competition you entered?" Ty asked.

"On September 30th, it'll be on the local Televison channel, so if I win it will be great for business, as Lou would say," Amy replied.

"Yes., she would say that, but she is true, but Amy just do it for the fun not the fame," Ty told Amy, "You have practiced haven't you?"

"Yes, every day, I've loved getting in the grove of jumping again," She explained to Ty.

"Need a trainer?" Ty asked with a cheeky grin in his eye.

"NO, I don't retired trainer but what I do need is to have a quick practice on the jumping ring, would you mind if you call me if Kiarra wakes up?" Amy questioned getting on her boots.

He nodded, she walked out the door.

He remembered the old days about when he first arrived at heartland, a naughty boy he was, and how he punched out Amy's boyfriend. They had come a long way from that. And how he had proposed officially2 times one was a fake but she just wanted to see the act on one knee again. Those were some great times.

Meanwhile Amy ran rain on the jumps, Rain soared, Rain flied, Rain showed who could do this show like a pro. She grew quite tired after 45 minutes of riding and decided to call the quits for the day, but promised herself she would have more tomorrow. But she still felt great inside her spirit, getting closer to Jesus through the jumps in the air.

"Kiarra has not awoken yet but I have a night shift down at the vet clinic, so I should get going, but I will see you tomorrow at 6 pm. And I just figured out my Schedule so I found out I'll be missing the competition so get someone to tape it," Ty stated.

"Okay Bye," She replied giving a kiss on his cheek. Amy knew it was just herself and the baby for the next 18 or so hours, but she didn't care, it would be worth a lot in the long run. So, to change up the plans, she picked up the phone to ask if Soraya would care to spend the night.

I love Ty and Amy! How about you guys are u a Caleb +Amy fan or a TY + kit/ashley/lou/kerry-anne/blair fan? DO you like Litch (Lou and mitch) Louter (lou and peter) Lott (lou and scott) or loueb (lou and caleb). What about Georgie? Are you a Gadam (georgie and adam) or a storgie(steven and Georgie)

I'm a Tamy, Litch/Lott and a Storgie fan. I don't see adam in Georgie's future! It just doesn't make sense!

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