Chapter 11

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Amy was filling out a form for the Jumping Competition.

"Wow, these forms are absolutely crazy!" Amy stated.

"OK, how long is it?" Ty asked.

"Three whole double-sided pages! In all of the competitions I entered this is the longest, and I have entered quite a few competitions!" Amy replied, "These forms are usually a page and a half!"

"Yes that is long," Ty replied.

"Should I enter as advance?" Amy asked.

"I think so you were on a jumping tour you know," Answered Ty.

"I guess you are right," Amy responded, "Rain.... Three years old. Quarter horse."

"We've been seeing quite a few people from our past who knows maybe Ashley and Chase might show up!" Ty joked.

Bring..... Bring.......

Amy motioned to Ty that she had to go and get the phone.

------------------------------Call started-----------------------------------------------------------

"Hello" Amy answered.

"HI it's me," an anonymous female voice answered.

"Me who?" Amy asked.


"Ash no way we were just talking about you!" Amy explained, shocked.

"All good things?" She asked.

"Yes of Course. How are things we haven't talked in a year or so?" Amy exclaimed

"Well, you first how is that small room you and Ty live in? Is it hard?" Ash asked.

"We moved out.... You must not know.... We also had a baby!" Amy exclaimed.

"Really a baby... what is its name.... tell me all about it!" Ashley commanded playfully.

"Well it is a she and her name is Kiarra lily Lou Borden she was born a few months ago. It was a home birth," Amy explained, "What is up for you now?"

"I finished college and I am moving to Hudson so I can help Jesse with Briar ridge law cases. I am also going to be a local law person, I wonder how that is going to work out," Ashley replied.

"Yes I wonder... we've had a few run ins with him myself, But really you are coming back! That is wonderful Ash!" Amy exclaimed.

"Yes I was not too happy where I am so I decided to come back! I am back in two days!" Ashley told Amy.

"Well we should have you over or meet up at Maggie's sometime," Amy suggested.

"Yeah we should or attend church together or something.....Sorry Amy I am going to have to dash and......" Ashley started.

"Its fine..... Just call me soon," Amy stated.

"Bye Amy!" Ash stated.

"Bye Ash!"

---------------------------------------------Call ended------------------------------------------------------

"Ashley?" Ty asked, astonished.

"Yeah she is moving back, "Amy said.

"Wow we have had a really whacky day," Ty replied, "Are you finished that form?"

"Yes, just about to hit the submit button!" She responded to Ty's reply, "I am in!"

Yes, I'm still uploading

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