Chapter 15

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Soraya had accepted Amy's invite. Kiarra was sound asleep. Amy and Soraya were both checking Facebook.

"Wow, this is hard I have no idea how you check it every day to keep up with it!" Amy exclaimed, "Ashley, Nathan, Jen everyone!"

"Well, I don't know how, but I just do," Soraya replied.

"Are you going to that Jumping competition?" Amy asked.

"Yes, I am. Actually, I entered as a judge for the intermediate category, you know how day one is the beginner category, intermediate the next day and advanced the third day," Soraya questioned in a not-so-asking but rather stating way.

"Well, I entered in the Advanced, and the day after that we are off to Las Vegas for 3 weeks," Amy replied.

"Wow, nice job Amy, Let's see you are a mom, A wife, a championship horse trainer, a champion horse jumper and now going to Las Vegas, but don't worry I already bought tickets to the show so I'll be your number 1 fan," Soraya smiled.

"Would you like some Shepard's pie? We have got some in the fridge, I could warm it up for supper," Amy explained, getting up.

"Yes, a little but not too much I had a huge lunch and I am still quite full," Soraya replied.

Amy went to the kitchen for a few minutes and then came out with Soraya's half serving and for herself a full serving.

"Do you remember when Ty first came to the ranch and how much of a naughty pain he was," She stated and then added with a laugh," And you thought he was hot."

Soraya blushed, "Yes, unfortunately, I remember. And how you used to boss him around, that was good. I could see from the start that you two were meant to be!"

Amy smiled. Somehow deep inside her heart, she had known the exact same thing, that night at that party. She had just known.

Soraya and Amy talked for hours, but soon Soraya had to go, her apartment had a curfew that she needed to get home on.

When Soraya left, Amy got on the couch and turned on the TV to a famous program. She fell asleep on the spot.

Yah, that's it for tonight. I promise to work on it!

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