Chapter 5

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A/N: This is going to be a longer chapter, at least from what I can tell! So yeah let's get started!

Amy wandered into her bedroom where ty was on the computer. "What was so important that you forgot to say hi?" Amy asked.

"Oh sorry! I didn't see you! I just had to check some vet papers nothing that bad," He replied How was your day?"

"Apart from the whole 'be-careful-or-else' thing it was excellent,"Amy replied showing just how great a her day was.

"Sorry to hear that. At work I, was thinking about a house, and I checked a website during my lunch hour" Ty said," There's some properties that I would enjoy checking out. How about we look at a select few, just in case."

"I'd love that!" Amy answered, "Should we tell Lou?"

"Nah, this is something that we will have to discover on our own without her help. Once we decide on one we can let her check it out," Ty replied.

"That'd be nice," Amy said, agreeing with the decison.

"Amy!" Lou shouted bursting in, "Sorry! Anyway, I, need your help!"

"On what?" Amy asked.

"Just scheduling some things," Lou replied.

"Oh, ok," Amy said taking a few steps to see what Lou was going to say..

Months passed by, time went on. The expecting couple were going to various houses and land, they just weren't right. Amy, the expecting mother continued to get rounder .

One bright day in march Amy and Ty came across a property. The land was natural, with plains and forests, 656 acres, perfect for trail rides. A barn with 8 stalls and a loft. A house with multiple bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. If you bought the livestock there would be a discount off the property.

"Ty! This is perfect!" Amy grinned.

"Absolutely," Ty agreed looking over the place.

"Should I see if Lou can come over and look at the place? See if it is okay?" Amy asked her husband.

"Yeah, that would be great," Ty replied, " She's an expert in this area of these things."

Amy dialed Lou's number.

--------------------------------------Call starts-------------------------------------------------------------------------


Yes Amy, is everything okay?

"Absolutely, I was just wondering if you'd be able to take a look at this house we're at. It's just.......... Wow!"

Okay where is it

"1279 Foster street"

I'll be there soon, Goodbye!

--------------------------------------------------------Call ended--------------------------------------------------------

"Lou will be here soon," Amy informed Ty, "I am going to ask God what he wants."

"Ok, I'll join you," Ty replied.

"Dear God, as you know we are here at a house that we are interested at buying, and we just want to ask for your opinion. Please Lord show us your way, Amen," Amy prayed.

Both opened their eyes and unfolded their hands. They went into the barn, and when they were back, Lou was standing there with a bag.

"Let's start," She said.

Amy nodded.

Lou checked up and down, left to right, floor to ceiling.

She concluded, "Go with it," After checking every square centimeter on the property. Lou was extremely hard to please, this could have only been the Lord's doing.

Mr. Bradford, the owner of the quite marvelous property, asked, "How is everything going? Have you decided?"

Amy answered, "We'll go with it, and the livestock."

"How much will it be?" Ty questioned, hoping they'd be able to afford it.

"$300,000.00, thanks for taking the discount!" Mr. Bradford replied.

"Here's the check," Ty uttered holding a check out right in front of him.

"I have some forms and papers for you to sign," Mr. Bradford told the new owners, "Let's take this inside."

They all sat around the table in silence, except for some shuffling of paper that Amy and ty were reading and signing at obvious places. Amy heard a voice in her head say This is the house.

"Well, we're done, here's the forms," Ty said.

" You may rename the place if you like. Here's the key! I will drop off all the livestock tomorrow at noon. How many children do you have?" He asked.

" This will be our first baby, and it's a girl. We plan to have more," Amy replied, smiling.

" Your girl will love this place, all my children did," He remarked.

"Good-bye, see you around!" Amy farewelled as Amy, ty and Lou left the building.

"What horses will you are taking?" Lou asked.

"Harley and Spartan, they are ours," Amy replied.

"Planning to have more kids, huh?" Lou smiled.

"Goodbye!" Ty farewelled.

Lou waved.

"We have some packing to do," Amy said.

"Yes a lot of packing to do, have you seen our room?" Ty asked.

"Yes, I have been living in it way longer than you," Amy added, " Anyway, what are we going to do about the cattle?"

"Well, we could sell them to a rancher," Ty said.

Amy nodded, "That sounds good."

Back at heartland they packed box after box and slowly they made their home more and more homely. The horses were named Sky burst who was 5, rain who was 3 years and stallion who was 4 years of age. They were good horses they obeyed every command. The Lord had blessed them. Georgie came around often to watch Amy so she could have company because the doctor advised that it would be best, just in case the doctors calculated wrongly.

They (Amy and Ty) spent their first night at their own house. Tomorrow they would transport Harley and Spartan.

A/N: So do you like it? I hope you do!

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