Chapter 19

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When Amy and Ty arrived at the horse arena, Amy was so Happy she was in her zone. Each day she worked on a different horse, like Stormy, who was deadly afraid of jackets. She would rear up at the sight of them, but Amy cooled her down and made Stormy realize it wasn't that hard.

Amy was in her zone the entire time, she was too tired to eat most nights, and she was loving the work. She had never worked this hard in her life and have so many horses to deal with, and this was a good thing. Ty and Kiarra almost always watched Amy's work, unless Kiarra was crying or something.

Amy loved Las Vagas and loved the weekend Amy, Ty and Kiarra would spend walking or going to parks or just being a family. Amy loved all of it, and so did Ty, and so did Kiarra but you can never be so sure, she is only a little baby, to be honest.

Amy and Ty loved the trip so much, but all good things must come to an end, at some time. And so they had to come to an end.

Amy, Ty, and Kiarra headed now to the airport, the plane took off at 10 am and, with Ty, Amy, and Kiarra not sleeping a wink on the plane, they all wanted to get some sleep. But it was two hours from The Calgary Airport to home.

Ty had been driving for fifteen minutes, Kiarra was asleep in the backseat and Amy was trying to keep Ty awake.

"Ty?" Amy asked.

"Yes, darling?" He replied, looking away from the road to his wife for a split second and then going back to the dark road.

"Do you want me to take the wheel?" She asked, "You look tired, I could drive till we're outside of Cochrane and then you could do the rest of the way or something?"

"If you want to It'll be alright, thanks, Ames," He replied.

She smiled as Ty parked the vehicle on the side of the road. Ty fell asleep, literally as he did his seatbelt. Amy kept driving past Cochrane all the way to their home, as Ty was going back to work the day after tomorrow, but Amy could lounge around a few days, it just depended on if the clients came in.

By the time they got home, it was midnight. Amy grabbed Kiarra and tapped Ty on the shoulder, he awoke slowly, with his eyes opening slowly. Amy put a finger on her lips saying "Shhhh she's asleep, it'll take forever to put her back to bed."

Ty nodded and bring the suitcases in the house and set them by the front door, Amy lay Kiarra in the crib and went to bed, dreaming about sweet and happy things.

Amy Awoke at 9:30, and saw Georgie and Steven in the Barn, Laughing and..... flirting? Amy smiled," Did I miss something."

Georgie ran up to Amy, giving her a huge hug, "I missed you! I love you!"

"I love you, too," Amy replied hugging her darling niece back, "Are you two like a couple?"

"Um..... Kinda," She replied after pulling away from the hug.

"We kept everything in check, everyone has been fed, everything good and clean," Steven replied, trying to go to a different subject, "How was Las Vagas?"

"It was really great, thanks for all the help around here, it wouldn't be possible with all of the extra help," Amy replied,"Georgie, shouldn't you be going home, now?"

"Yeah, I should, I'll be back later, see you soon," Georgie replied.

"Bye Amy," Steven replied, helping Georgie on Phionex, and then getting on another horse, probably from Heartland.

Amy walked back to the house, warmed up a hot cup of coffee. Ty had not woken up yet so I picked up a good book, The Selection and started reading it while drinking my coffee. After 40 or so minutes, Ty walked through to the living room where Amy was sitting reading her book. Ty said, "Good morning!"

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