Chapter 21

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Georgie was over, she had been over for dinner, as she liked to spend time at Amy's and Ty's. Mallory was coming on the 9:30 flight, and it was now 7.

"Hey Georgie, do you want to come in our car for the ride to pick up Mallory and Jake?" Ty asked, looking at the girl.

"I'd love to!" She replied, "I'll just call Lou, tell her I'm going with you guys"

Georgie picked up the phone and Called her Mother to tell her about going with Amy to the airport.

Amy pulled Ty into another room, "Remember we can't say a peep until the decided time."

"I know," He replied, "I'll make sure I don't say a peep."

Amy then Swiftly left to go into Kiarra's room to pack a few things and some activities for Kiarra to do, as the airport was a long way away.

Within 20 minutes Amy, Ty, Kiarra and Georgie were on the road, ready to meet Mallory.

The drive was long, and Kiarra was constantly enthusiastic and awakw. She would not calm down. She was just anxious and doing something every other 10 minutes. Ty was driving, and he had experience with Kiarra being like this so he told Amy to sing her a lullaby.

She did and then Kiarra calmed down and went on a quick nap, all the way to the airport, where she awoke when they walked into the building.

They were a few minbutes early and spotted Lou, Katie, Jack, Mitch and Lisa. They walked over, "Hey guya!"

"Hey, How are you guys? How was the ride?" Lou asked giving her daughter a hug.

"The ride was long," Georgie replied, "Kiarra was pretty enthusiastic!"

"I remember those days with Katie, they were pretty hard!" She replied, "But they get over quickly and before you know it, they're in second grade!"

"No!" Amy shrieked, at a normal voice, "Don't say that! Kiarra's only 2!"

"Okay, Okay, calm it Ladies," Jack told Lou and Amy.

"Look!" Georgie stated, "There they are!"

Kiarra started running for Mallory who dropped all her bags and picked her up, and swung her around. The rest of the family waddled to the couple. Mallory was welcomed with a lot of hugs, and smiles, jake was greeted with many man-hugs and handshakes.

After that they all went to Heartland for a Dinner. Lou made a classic turkey with all the bells and whistles.

Mallory had a glass of water, "I have an announcement!"

Everyone stopped their chatter, "Jake and I are engaged!"

Congratulations swept through the house, everyone was congratulating Mallory and Jake the newly engaged couple.

"Should we tell them now?" Ty whispered into Amy's ear.

"It's as good time as any," She replied.

Ty proclaimed his voice over the chatter, "Well Amy and I have an announcement, we're pregnant again."

"With Twins!" Amy chirped, putting a hand on her belly. Then Congratulations went about the house again. Boy were there announcements Tonight!"

A/N: Thank you all for support and such! Heartland does not belong to me, otherwise there'd be no Adam and Georgie! 

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