Chapter 6

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I know I haven't updated in a LONG time but that is because I have been working on my other books like Telling the family (Check it out) Anyway Just hang on tight, this book will probably take a while to complete by the way:

"Spartan, welcome to our new home!" Amy stated in a sweet voice while leading Spartan out of the trailer and into a stall. After that, she turned around and grabbed Harley reign.

"Harley, welcome to our new home! Look at all your new friends!" Amy uttered in the same sweet voice she used on Spartan.

Ty walked over from his vehicle, which he had trailered the horses from heartland. He walked over to see his beautiful wife. She was 8 months 2.5 weeks into the pregnancy. The baby would be with them soon. Amy fed all the horses. The cattle had been sold to a rancher for $10,000.00, it was a great deal.

"mmm...(Breath) How was your work today?" Amy asked her husband breathing heavily.

" Ah... fine I had my hand in a cow's stomach," He replied.

"Again...." Amy smiled.

They continued to walk down the gravelly path towards the house, " We should have the family over," Amy said.

"Yeah on a Saturday evening or something," He replied.

A dart of pain spread across Amy's belly. Her face grimaced, noticing the grimace Ty asked, " Are you okay?"

"Yeah, probably just another kick, she has been extremely feisty lately," She panted.

They got to the kitchen. Amy and Ty had thought about names. They hadn't completely agreed or decided fully in the naming circuit. They thought of names like Josee, Lindy, Laura, and Kiarra.

In the kitchen, Amy started to feel pain shooting everywhere. She screamed, "TY!!!!"

Ty rushed through, seeing sweat drip along her forehead and her hand on her knees breathing heavily, "Amy?! What's wrong?"

" The baby's coming now! Like right now!!! No time for hospital!" She screamed, " Call Lou! We have to have this baby now! Help me! Help!"

Ty carried her onto the bed and called Lou who was on her way within mere seconds with Mallory and Georgie. Amy's contractions were seconds apart. Ty was running grabbing things, water, towels, you name it. He was trying to stay sane while his wife was screaming.

Lou and the two girls rushed through the door and went to Amy. They all comforted her, coaxed her. Amy was running out of breath, she just kept screaming on..... and on....

"When I say go you are going to push!" Lou said.

Ty was by Amy's side holding her hand although he was crushing his, talking to her smoothly.

"Okay push... 1..2...3... push Amy push!" Lou yelled.

Amy pushed and kept pushing while Georgie kept dabbing her head with water. Georgie was scared! She hadn't been through one of these things before, but she had to put up a straight face. For Amy.

"Lou!" Amy cried, tears walking down her face.

"Yes Amy?" She asked shivering.

"I... can't breathe!" She cried, "I'll say hello to Jesus for you."

"Amy!!!" Ty screamed shaking her, " Let's pray! God, please, please can you give my Amy back! Please! I know I haven't been that faithful but please Lord, Please!"

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