Chapter 26

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"Push Amy, Push!" A doctor was encouraging. Amy took a deep breath and pushed, tears were running down her face, they were accompanied with sweat. Amy took a meaningful glance over at Ty.

"You can do it," He said in a soft but encouraging voice, "I love you."

"I love you, too!" Amy carried out the 'too' to a very high pitch.

Doctor Regnald exclaimed, "Stop pushing!"

Amy immediately stopped, seeing what the Doctor had to say.

"The head is about to go through, I want you to go at a slower pace, but not very slow otherwise there will be complications, after the head, it is really easy. Ok you ready to try?" The doctor asked.

Amy looked over at Ty, who was genuine with concern, you could see it on his lips, the way his eyebrows were crouching and, finally, you could see it in his eyes, those green eyes.

She pushed, and it was painful, excrutiating pain, but it was all worth it when she heard a cry.

"A baby boy," The doctor told her, "Born at 10:37 pm on February 19th, now the next one is just about to come out, I'd like you to push the same as you did for the baby boy, alright amy?"

Amy nodded her head, took in a deep breath, and counted to three. One.......Two........ Three..........

"Uuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!" She yelled in agony, she kept on getting encouragement from the doctors, but soon enough she heard a cry.

"Newborn girl born, 10:43 pm, February 19th," The doctor told them, "Congradulations, I'll let the family in."

The first to walk in was Kiarra, who ran up towards me, and looked at the two munchkins in my hands.

"Is this my baby brother and my baby sister?" She asked, looking at them.

"Yea, it is, Kiarra. These are your two siblings," Amy replied.

Everyone flooded in and saw the two beauties in their natural state, the rest of the night was a blur, for in the middle of everyone visiting and cooing over the little preciouses, Amy fell asleep.


Ty rushed to the door, opening it he lay eyes on one of his best friends, Scott.

"Hey Scott, come in man!" He told him.

Amy then came waltzing down the hall, juggling two babies in her hands, followed by Kiarra,

Who was having a major tantrum.

"Mummy, I wanna watch my little Pony!" She yelled and started screaming on the floor.

"Kiarra I said 'No!' The no-no chair for 5 minutes!" Amy pointed.

Unhappily, Kiarra stomped over to the chair, and sat down, sulking.

"Hello Scott!" She perked up, smiling.

"Woah, twins! When were they born?" He asked a little bazowed.

"On feburary 19th," Amy replied, "This is Jace and Marion."

"They are adorable!" He replied, taking a step towards Amy.

"Would you like to hold Jace?" Amy questioned, motioning for him to hold Jace.

"Are you sure? I mean, I only just met him," Scott replied.

"Please! You'd be doing me a favor," She remarked, "Its either that or Ty holds both of them."

"Ok, I'll hold him," Scott replies, Jace is handed to scott, "How has it been around here?"

"Hectic," Ty told scott, "We have a toddler and two newborns, plus all of our work. It's a lot to do."

"No kidding," Scot replied.

    "Yeah, these two just love to cry," Amy told scott, "Its extremely exhausting. I am only asleep a few hours a day, it is not a good and healty lifestyle, it really isn't."

"Mummy!" Kiarra yelled, "5 minutes are over!"

"Ty can you hold Marion?" Amy asked, holding the baby in her hands.

"Yeah," He answered, motioning for Amy to hand her over. Slowly Amy put Marion in his arms, "You love your Daddy don't you? YOu love me right?"

Little marion had a smiling twinkle in her eye.

"That's a yes, right?" He asked Marion.

Meanwhile, Amy was having a chat with Kiarra.

"Do you undrstand what you have done wrong, Kiarra?" Amy asked, getting on the same level as her daughter.

"I didn't listen to mummy," Kiarra replied, hanging her head.

"What does the bible say about that?" Amy asked.

"Children should obey thier parents........" Kiarra was saying.

Scott and Ty were listening into thier conversation a bit and also talking a bit, too.

"Ty, I know that its hectic here, but I really need your help at the clinic, can you work next week?" Scott asked, looking up from Jace to ask.

"Yeah, I just want to be home by 5 for Amy, that's all," Ty told his boss, "Is that alright?"

Scott replied, "Easily, of course. I understand."

"Anyway you are welcome to stay for leftovers, thats all we have," Ty remarked, motioning to the fridge.

"I'd love some, I am ravenous!" He replied, his eyes diverting from Ty to his stomach. 

Amy walked over, seeing the two men in thier manly discussions about God knows what, "Hey Scott, can I take Jace from you?"

"Of course," He remarked as he handed the precious boy over to his mother.

"I should have taken a picture! You two were so cute together!" Amy exclaimed, practically drooling at the beautiful sight in her mind. She set young Jace inside his crib, and soon enough his sister, Marion joined him. 

"Should I heat up the food?" Ty asked, lettting AMy sit on a chair.

Amy nodded, and when Ty was heating up the food, AMy drifted to a deep sleep.

"Ty?" Scott asked, alluring Ty's eyes from his cooking.

"Yeah, Scott," He replied, his eyes drifting back to his cooking.

"Amy is asleep," Scott told him.

Ty walked up to her, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. He got her a blanket, to keep her warm. They saved her a bit of food, while they talked about everything from pirates to buisness to thier opinions on politics.

Amy slept for 4 1/2 hours, she was extremely tired. Amy had a habit of doing too many things at a time, and being a mother of 3, it got a bit much. She really deserved that sleep. 

"Uhhh....." Amy awoke, and saw Ty looking at her.

"Hey, are you hungry?" Ty asked, pointing towards the food. 

"Yah, I was. What time is it?" She asked, wiping the sleep from her grey eyes.

"4:00," TY replied, handing her some food.

"I was sleeping for 4 1/2 hours!" She exclaimed, "What about the twins? And Kiarra? And all the housework I have to do? And the Heartland website? Why didn't you wake me?"

"Calm down, Amy," Ty replied, "You really needed a sleep, you have been working so hard! I wanted to make sure you had some sleep in. You work to hard."

"I'm sorry," Amy told Ty, "I'm grateful, I really needed that, thank you."

With that Amy gave Ty a meanigful kiss on the lips, a loving kiss.

Long Chapter, oh my it took me 2 days to write this! Word count: 1105! A lot! I was listening to Sykamore while I wrote this! She is a great country singer! Anyway please comment, vote, share, tell your friends!

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