Chapter 24

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Five weeks into the future, Amy was at her regular check-up with Doctor Cor.

"Well I can find out the gender now," Doc told Amy, "Would you like to know the gender or do you want it to be a surprise?"

"I'm really bad at waiting, so can I know the gender?" She asked.

"Well, it looks like a boy and a girl, one of each gender," The doc replied, turning slightly away from his monitor, to Amy, and back to his monitor.

That was all to that appointment. Amy drove home, and when she opened the door, she was greeted by Ty.

"How was your appointment?" Ty asked, looking into Amy's eyes.

"Well believe it or not I found out the genders of the babies," Amy told Ty, grabbing hold of his hands, and placing them on her stomach. She looked into Ty's green eyes, and she spoke, "Ty, we're having a girl and a boy."

Ty's face was priceless. He looked like the energy of the sun had just been poured onto this one moment. The corners of his mouth turned into a solid, hearty grin. "A boy and a girl?" He muttered to his wife, looking into her grey eyes, that sparkled with happiness. Not a happiness that could be faked or forced, but a true happiness that everyone who loved a child inside them had. It was a rare sense of happiness, but Amy had it in her eyes.

Kiarra ran up to her mother, "Mummy?" She questioned, holding a blanket, "Why are you crying?"

Amy noticed a single tear running down the side of her cheek, her eyes glistened, "Oh Kiarra, I'm just so happy."

Kiarra stood confused, "I still don't get it."

Ty laughed and pulled his lovely daughter into his arms for a hug. Thinking of the future when Kiarra would be accompanied by two more lovelies, a sister and a brother for her. The family was now perfect. Ty and Amy, the parents, couldn't wait for when the twins would be cradeled in their arms.

Hi guys! Sorry for not updating! But, How do you guys like the story? I'm gonna spend a few hours on it today and its nearing its end! Thanks for your continued support, its what has kept me going. Please continue to vote, comment, read, tell your friends, share, etc!

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