Chapter 23

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It had been three weeks, and Amy was 11 weeks pregnant, and she also had a toddler. It was hard, and she had morning sickness like crazy. She tried to have a friend over or someone. Just so she wasn't alone all of the time. Today, Soraya was over, and she has just got here.

"Sowaya!" Kiarra replied, running to her.

"Hi Ki!" Soraya smiled at her Goddaughter.

Ty rushed through the door as it was December 20th and it was night out. It was blizzarding.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed running to her father, who picked her up, then after she was put down she ran to where she was playing.

"She is a bundle of happiness," Remarked Ty as he walked to the hall where Kiarra was.

"She's never really thrown a strop or been angry, has she?" Soraya replied.

"Unless she's doesn't want to do something," Amy told Soraya.

Ty walked through the hallway with a girl yelling, "I don't wanna put on my Jammies!"

"Amy!" Ty yelled in desperation.

"Mommy to the rescue," Amy whispered to her friend who started laughing.

Amy walked over to the girl and gave her a stern talking to, with a puinishment to the no-no chair, after she put on her jammies.

"I'm sorry Daddy," Kiarra sniffed giving her Dad a hug.

"It's okay cupcake," Ty told her, lowering himself to her level and giving her a kiss on the forehead.

A/N: Another short one. Oh well! Have a good rest of day/Night.

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