Chapter 16

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Meow-Neigh-Moo-Woof! The vet clinic was horrendous. Ty thought it was so lonely without anyone there. No people had come in with pets needing fixing, no distress calls, nothing.

It was Amy's Competition in an hour or so. He believed his Amy could do it. He had the channel on the Television on the corner of the room, up high at a slanted angle. He was carrying on with his work while he was tending to a few of the animals.

A great trumpet played some music. A known speaker in the area Marco Eastland said, "Hello everyone, I am reporting from the Diligent pines ground, in a couple of minutes our contestants will be riding this course....." Marco went on about the riders each one and about the track. Then they went for a commercial break.

Ty was sitting down in the desk checking the files. "Hello we are back! And now let's welcome our first contestant is Julie clingstone. Go Julie. Look how Julie jumps her horse. She knocked over a bar and another one..... ooh 90 seconds for Julie and 4 faults. Nice try Julie. Now our next rider is coming into the round," Marco blabbed on and on for what seemed like hours, until he said, "Our next rider Amy Borden with a horse who has never been on the circuit before, Rain. She is here today with her daughter and her husband looking at the TV from work. She is more commonly known as Amy Fleming but was just recently married to a local vet named Ty Borden. She has now a stunning young daughter. She has also been on a European tour with a star jumping team as a trainer. But she will be some competition, look out! Ok Start look at her go, her perfect strides, and no faults yet. Not even close, Rain is soaring over those jumps reaching to the sky. Look at that Amy Fleming 30 seconds no faults. She was our last competitor. After this short commercial break we will know our winners so stay tuned!"

Ty smiled and thought, "Amy's going to blow their socks away"

He got open a little kitty and shot an injection under its left front paw. It Meowed in surprise. TY gave the kitty a stroke and a treat, then put the little kitty back inside its Canal. And with that Marco was back on. "OK we have our place winners. In third place winner is Jackson Springing! Come up here Jackson. Jackson today got a total of 39 seconds and 1 fault. His prize is a medal and a ribbon for his horse's stall. Well done Jackson! Now in second place we have got Jeremy black field at 33 seconds 1 fault, here is your silver medal and ribbon, well done Jeremy. Now for our finalist...... our first place Amy Fleming-Borden with a total of 30 seconds and 0 faults. You have won our grand prize of 150 dollars, a trophy, and your horse ribbon. If you would mind to say a few words?" He asked as he walked off the stage.

She grabbed hold of the microphone, "Well this has been a great ride. Thank you for coming. Now onto the this-is-made-possible part. I would like to thank my husband TY for such a great time and patience with My Kiara while I was out practicing, and I don't think I could have done this without MY Kiarra and MY big sister Lou, who some of you might know from Heartland equestrian connection resort. Thank you for watching. Yes, that's all." She replied walking off the stage.

"Well thank you all for watching today and have a great rest of day, goodbye," Marco replied and with that the Televison went onto a commercial.

Ty sat back in his seat and smiled, then the phone rang.

Perfect timing, he thought to himself.

Short Chapter I know, but at least it is one! Thanks for all the votes and stuff.

Heartland does not belong to me only the Plot and my extra characters belong to me.

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