Chapter 20

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7 weeks and 6 days later

A bit of time had passed, and it was now Sunday. The Lord's day. Amy and Ty were around the breakfast table.

"What would you like for breakfast?" Amy asked, looking at the three eggs and few slices of bacon she had brewing for herself on the stove.

"How about an egg and a slice of toast," He replied, looking at Amy, and giving her a loving glance.

"Ok, coming right up," She replied,grabbing an egg from the fridge and putting it on the stove.

Amy and Ty were very rushed this morning the eggs, bacon and toast were down in a jiffy and they went to the local church, a good church where pastor Lawerence was preaching today.

It was a lovely sermon about God's love, how he loves each and every one of us and how he has called you to be his own, no matter what you have done in your life. Grace comes and forgives it all if you just trust in him. If you just smile and let him know you are his, and that you will be falling into his arms and not the sins of the world.

After Church Amy and Ty went straight home, which was different, usually Ty begged Amy to go home, after she was done talking to all of her church friends, of course. But, today Amy wasn't feeling the same. She couldn't tell Ty she had been spilling her guts out all night, and that she was having stomach cramps. She felt another gust of pain seize through her ribs. So bad she sped to the toilet and the new reality jolted her, she was pregnant.

After this, Amy went down to Ty. She wondered how she was going to tell him her suspicions, by just tapping him on the shoulder and saying, "I'm pregnant" or just announcing it to him. Her heart was beating rapidly fast. She'd been through one pregnancy, what's to say that it is going to be harder? The first pregnancy is always the hardest.

"Ty?" Amy asked, taking a seat next to him.

"Yeah,"He replied, looking up from his computer.

"I have an announcement to make," She replied, her heart about to beat out of her chest. How would he react? Were they ready?

"What announcement?" Ty asked, turning to me, putting his hand on mine.

"I think that I might be," She replied taking a breath, "Pregnant, again."

"What?" He asked, "How do you know?"

"I was up all night spilling my guts and I'm really hungry and I got super emotional in church today, that doesn't happen often," She replied to Ty's answer looking in his deep eyes.

"Have you had a pregnancy test?" He asked, amazed and bewildered.

"No, so can we head down to the doctor?"She asked, "I'd like to know sooner than later, plus I can't keep secrets well."

"Yeah, let's head now. Come on Kiarra!" She replied, picking up the 2-year-old, terrible twos as they called it. But for the most part she was alright, not throwing tantrums often, so she was alright to take out.

When Amy and Ty made it to the doctor's office, they had to sign some paperwork, then wait around for half an hour, then finally a Doctor called out, "Amy and Ty Borden."

The Borden family got up and walked over to the Doctor.

"Hello, Amy, Ty and your little one here. I'm Doctor Cordileon, but most people call me Doctor Cor," He remarked, telling Ty and Amy what he would like to be called.

"Thank you Doctor Cor," Amy replied getting on the hospital bed, "Would you like me to tell you my symptoms?"

"Yes, please Mrs. Borden," He replied, ready to get the blue gel all over my stomach.

"Last night I spilled out all of my guts and I've been extremely ravenous and emotional, I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet, but we wanted to find out so we came here today," Amy explained the story. Her palms got a little sweaty.

"Well congratulations, you are pregnant Amy," Doctor Cor explained.

A grin spread over Amy's face, another little one was coming, and soon. It would be born in June since you only find out when you are 2 months or so pregnant.

"On the health side your twins are doing all right," He replied.

"Twins?" She asked, mighty excited and astonished.

"Yip, you are giving birth to twins. Now, Amy, we will need to set up every three weeks appointments, you can set that up at the front office, just give them this slip," He told Amy giving her a piece of paper with the report of the doctor's visit on it.

"Thank you, Doc!" Ty replied, smiling.

Thanks for all of your continued support!

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