Chapter 1

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Emma let out a groan as her alarm blared from beside her, the noise echoing through the room. The young girl groaned as she reached out to turn it off, the light of her phone causing her to grimace.

The blonde has been dreading this day for the past two months; the day school started. 

Emma was adopted by the Nolan family in late May and they decided that it was too late in the year to send her to school, they also wanted to give the girl some time to get settled into the town first. It was the best summer Emma had ever had. She adored the Nolans, they treated her like a real member of the family and not an object they can use to make a quick buck off. 

The young blonde had a close friend that she had made in town, her name was Ruby, and her Grandmother owned the local diner. Emma hoped that she would be in a few of her classes, so she didn't have to deal with being the new kid alone.

The blonde groaned as she dragged herself out of bed, fixing the covers before heading to the bathroom to shower.

Once she was ready, the girl was dressed in a pair of dark denim jeans, a Nirvana t-shirt and a red flannel that had the sleeves rolled up to her elbow. Emma pulled on her tattered black converse before heading to the kitchen. 

The blonde was greeted with two smiling faces, "morning, honey" David greeted her handing the blonde a plate with a pancake rested on it.

Emma smiled, "thanks, dad" she said kissing his cheek quickly.

It didn't take long for the girl to adjust to life with David and Mary Margaret Nolan and in her mind, they were her parents. They were the only set of foster parents she'd ever had that she felt close enough to call 'mom' and 'dad', even in the short three months she's been with them.

Emma took a seat next to Mary Margaret who was sipping her hot chocolate with cinnamon, just one of the many things the pair discovered to have in common, "are you excited for your first day, Em?" the small brunette asked. 

The blonde let out a small playful groan as she threw her head back causing the couple to laugh at the young girl's reaction. 

Emma took a bite of her pancake as David took a seat opposite them, "do you need a ride?" he asked taking a long gulp of his coffee.

The young girl couldn't help but smile at his offer, even though the school was a ten-minute walk away, the man still wanted to make sure she arrived there safely, "thanks, but I'm walking with Ruby" she responded. 

The family jumped as the door swung opened, "I smell pancakes" a high voice boomed throughout the apartment. 

Emma laughed at the brunette now standing in the doorway, "there's a pancake on the counter for you Ruby" David chuckled. 

Ruby smiled, "thanks, David" she said closing the apartment door behind her. The lanky brunette picked up the plate before sitting down at the table with the group. 

Ruby has been with Emma since I arrived in Storybrooke, the pair met at her Granny's diner and the brunette became her best friend almost instantly. They are very similar but still quite different. Ruby is tall, skinny girl, her long brown hair was straightened to perfection with a few red streaks scattered through it. The girl was wearing a white blouse with a short red skirt and a pair of slightly healed black boots giving her that extra height boost. 

Ruby looked at her friend with a smirk plastered across her face, "ready for hell, Swan?" she asked with a laugh, teasing the blonde slightly. 

Emma rolled her eyes and the brunette laughed, "you'll be fine, I wanna introduce you to someone when we get there" she practically squeaked with an excited smile. 

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