Chapter 23

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Regina stepped out into the hallway with Mary Margaret. Regina turned to face the smaller woman as she crossed her arms. The teacher felt her heart drop, "this isn't gonna be good" she thought to herself.

The small brunette stared at her friend, "my daughter, Regina? Really?" She hissed, "you know this is illegal" she complained.

Regina bit her lower lip, "I can't help how I feel, Mary Margaret" she mumbled.

The older woman scowled, "how long has this been going on? Truthfully" she demanded.

The raven-haired woman stared down at the ground for a moment, "officially a week" she repeated what her and Emma had told her earlier.

Regina wrapped her arms around herself nervously, "we kissed for the first time a few weeks prior" she told her honestly the same way she had told her own mother.

The older woman sighed, "the relationship is inappropriate, Regina" she added in.

The brunette frowned, "I care about her so much" I whispered across the hall.

"I don't know, Regina" she mumbled nervously.

Regina cleared her throat, "you know how Emma told you she hasn't been sleeping?" Mary Margaret's eyes softened slightly at the question.

"She has been blanking out in my class all week. When I asked her about it, she told me that she had been having recurring nightmares" She explained.

The woman nodded along, "about what?" She asked attempting to get a bit more information from her friend.

"This." Regina thought to herself.

Regina bit her lower lip, "everything has been going so well for her recently, she doesn't want any of that to be taken away from her" she tried to explain.

Mary Margaret looked at her friend with a confused look, "what do you mean?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"She doesn't want to lose her friends. She doesn't want to get thrown back into the system or onto the streets. Emma doesn't want to be alone anymore. She's gone through enough of that throughout her life" Regina explained.

Mary Margaret's face darkened once again, "and what do you have to do with all this? Where exactly do you fit in with all of this, Regina?" She snapped, venom lacing her tone.

Regina felt rage build up inside her. The younger woman has been trying so hard not to snap at the smaller woman in case she ruined any chance of her and Emma being together, but the older woman was making it extremely difficult.

"I've been there to comfort her!" Regina hissed trying to keep her voice low to that Emma couldn't hear from the other side of the wall, "she told me that she was scared of losing me the most" she confessed.

Mary Margaret stared at the woman for a moment, "you can't split us up. You can't do that to her, not right now, not while she's this vulnerable" Regina mumbled.

Mary Margaret flinched but soon shook her head, "I can't, Regina. I can't let this continue" she whispered.

Regina felt tears begin to form on her eyelids as her heart plummeted in defeat.

"This is going to destroy the young girl. After everything, she's been telling me, and now it's all coming true."

The brunette bit her lower lip to try and stop the tears from falling, "are you going to let me tell her or are you just going to send me home and try explaining it to her yourself?" She questioned.

The older brunette sighed, "you can have five minutes" she instructed.


Emma watched as the door inched open. She instantly leaped out of David's arms and scrambled to her feet. The blonde looked over at Regina. The woman shot her a weak, sympathetic smile. The young woman immediately felt sick.

Mary Margaret cleared her throat, "we'll give you two time to say your goodbyes" she muttered.

Emma watched as her father got to his feet and swiftly followed his wife outside.

Regina rushed to the younger woman's side catching her before she fell to the ground.

Tears began to freely fall down the blonde's cheeks at a rapid and uncontrollable rate, "no. No!" She choked out.

Regina clung tightly to the younger woman, her arms wrapped firmly around her waist keeping the young woman upright, "it's okay, Baby" she whispered softly, "it's okay."

Emma buried her face in the crook of the older woman's neck, "no. No, it's not, Gina" She gasped out. Her breathing was becoming patchy and ragged.

The older woman rubbed the girl's back in a soothing motion, "we'll figure something out, Baby" she cooed, her soft tone and comforting hold calmed the blonde slightly.

Regina pulled away and tucked her finger under the younger woman's chin forcing her to look up into her beautiful, caring cocoa eyes.

A tear fell slowly down the brunette's cheek, "we'll find a way" she whispered in a determined tone.

Emma leaned in and captured the older woman's lips in her own. The kiss was soft, desperate and full of longing. The salty taste of tears lingering on their lips.

Regina pulled away after a moment, "I have to go."

The blonde nodded slowly, "I wish you didn't" she mumbled.

The older woman tucked a strand of Emma's wavy blonde hair behind her ear, "I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful" she told her with a small smile. "They can't separate us completely. I'm still your teacher after all" she commented, attempting to joke but it falling flat, "I don't think your parents will bring it up with Dr Hopper. They're not the kind of people who would go out of their way to get someone fired" she told the girl.

Emma nodded slowly, "I'll see you tomorrow, Gina" she mumbled softly.

The brunette placed a soft kiss on the younger woman's forehead. The blonde couldn't help but lean into her touch, savoring every moment.

Emma watched as Regina hesitantly turned away and made her way swiftly out of the apartment. It felt like her heart had been ripped from her chest as the blonde collapsed onto the sofa with her head in her hands.


Regina walked into the house and headed straight up the stairs. Zelena had tried to talk to stop her but she ignored her younger sister and headed straight to her room.

The brunette slammed the door behind her and leaned against it. Emma's smell still lingered in the room. The woman took a deep breath and that's when the tears eventually took over. Her body trembled as the tears fell violently from her eyes.

Regina made her way over to the bed. She stared down at the hoodie that was neatly folded at the end of the bed.

The brunette picked up the piece of material, "I'll leave it here for later" she had said. Regina held it close to her chest and inhaled Emma's scent as the tears fell from her eyes.

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