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The way they walk, the way they talk, how attractive they all are. It doesn't make sense, how can you be so bad but look so...good.

The misfits, every school has them, the bad kids, the ones you stay away from and the ones that you never bring home to the parents.

Aurora James, twin sister to Mayfield High's best all around jock Christian. It makes you wonder how she could fall into a group of broken souls. She is definitely attractive, light mocha skin, long hair, thin but curvy body and a hard core attitude. I think she's been suspended about four times for fighting and it is just now October. The last fight she broke the person's nose... it was a guy.

Next in line we have Chantly, very bright girl. Straight A's, captain of the debate team, chess team, speech team, AV club, academic team, and any other team that you can think of that doesn't include sports. She is quite an amazing girl, if only she didn't have such a bad name, you have to love rumors. She is tiny but has a baddass temper and a sarcastic attitude that can make you feel stupid.

Third, we come to JJ. No one knows what the JJ stands for or even if that is her real name... maybe a nickname? Tall, thin, long red hair. It's true about what they say about red heads, the temper is out of control. She is like Aurora and Chantly times two. She can fight, that's for sure, she was expelled last year for hitting the gym teacher.

Sonny, the only boy in the group is actually dating JJ and they are really cute together. He seems quiet, been in more fights than anyone could count. Sonny isn't an athlete but he can take on any jock that comes his way and knock them out with one hit and not to mention that he is beyond gorgeous.

Tall, thin, dark red lipstick, extremely inappropriate clothes. That's all you need to know about Elizabeth, she's the newest addition to the group of misfits. She came late last year and on her first day she cursed the principal out when he said that she needed to go home and change. Or at least that was what was spread around.

Finally, the last and worst person in the group, Jessica. Yes, her name is Jessica. Really intimidating. She is kind of the leader of the group, where ever she goes the rest follow. She is at average height, very short hair, dresses like a boy but makes it work, fights like a boy, a little accent and... she is a lesbian. Been with almost every Senior and Junior girl, or that's what they say. She was a new student in middle school and had gorgeous long hair, she was popular, always had the newest clothes, best shoes, and newest phone. No one knows what happened. One day she was back at school, all her hair was cut off, she was dressed different, she started acting out and then fell out of the cool crowd. She is unique, I've always found her interesting just by the was she was. Always fighting, always in trouble, but she has never been in suspended, and when she was sent to the office she came back almost immediately. She could scream at a teacher, hit a kid and maybe even kill someone and still be back in class before the bell rings.

Walking in the hallway has always made me feel uneasy. I couldn't have people behind me because I wouldn't know what they were doing, I just didn't like it. Eric, my boyfriend, knew that so he always kept his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. Halloween will be our two year anniversary and I can't believe time has flown by. Time is a weird thing to think about, no knows when it started, no one knows when it will end, you have to live in the now but then the now becomes the past and it just repeats itself over and over again. Makes you think about when your own time will be up, years, days, seconds? I know that I'll make it to be old, have children with Eric and live to see my grandchildren. That's the whole point of life... isn't it?

I look down at the promise ring Eric gave me on our sixth month, it's on my ring finger, I never understood what exactly love is, to be honest. I tell Eric I love him without truly knowing what it means. Do I love him? I think I do, but do I want to spend my life with him? Or is he just another guy I have to be with till I find another one that makes me feel more? We've been through so much, my mom leaving, his dad cheating, his sister getting pregnant in the ninth grade, my dad losing his job. I've stayed by his side and he is always at mine.

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