Chapter Eleven

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I slept all day Sunday woke up around four Monday morning to millions of messages and missed calls. Not literally, I had messages from Marilyn, Ashley, Brody, Skin, JJ, Aurora, Eric and Jessica.

I decided not to look at all of them because I'm guessing that Marilyn, Ashley, and Brody just messaged me to yell. So I checked Eric's first.

Eric: Hey everything okay? What the hell happened?

I sent him a quick message trying to explain everything as well as I could. The next message was from Sonny saying that he was sorry for ditching us Friday night, he wanted to take JJ home. JJ's message pretty much said the same thing. I told them that it was fine and everyone went home semi-safe.

Aurora: Hey, did she make it home okay?

Me: Yeah, everything went okay.

Aurora texted back almost immediately which was surprising because it was four in the morning.

Aurora: Did she go to sleep?

Me: I don't know, I left.

Aurora: You left?

Me: Yeah, she pissed me off.

Aurora: Why would you leave her?! She could've done something stupid.

I decided to not respond after that because I had a feeling she was just going to bitch at me. I looked through the rest of the messages and seen one that I should've ignored.

Jessica: Where did you go?

I could feel the anger build up so I ignored that one as well.

I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom so I could shower. After the shower I got dressed and went to McDonald's to get my dad and I something to eat which is when I decided that I wasn't going to school.

On my way there I got a phone call.

"Hey, want to do something today?"

I recognized the voice to be Jessica.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"


"Call Aurora, she's worried." And with that I hung up the phone.

My phone rang again and I started to get really annoyed.

"Jessica, what the fuck do you want?!"

"Whoa, whoa. Chill Jack." I recognized the voice to belong to Sonny, god these people are early risers.

"Oh, sorry," I said feeling kinda bad, "I thought you were J- never mind. What's up?"

"JJ and I are going to have a little get together later, she wanted me to ask you if you wanted to come."

They are just all early risers, but this is just what I needed, "Is Jessica going to be there?"

"No, just me, JJ, and Elizabeth."

I really didn't want to spend time with Elizabeth but it was go out or stay in and be pissed at Jessica.

"Um, yeah, sure."

"Alright, I'll pick you up around eight. See you later." I heard his phone click off and then I hung up mine.

I drove home, gave the food to my dad before he left for work and told him I was going to hang out with some friends after school. It was the first time I have ever purposely lied to my dad. He told me to be careful and to be home by midnight. It was six so I had a couple of hours before Sonny was going to get here.

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