Chapter Fourteen

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I thought for a while about what I was going to do. I guess I could've called but something in the back of my mind kept telling me not to. Telling me that I needed to remain strong and maybe this would pass, maybe I would get over her. It drove me sick. Literally.

The doctor told me that it was stress, I was getting sick because I was putting a lot of stress on my mind and body. I thought, 'What a load of bullshit.' But I guess it's a real thing.

I guess he had to be right because I was stuck in bed the next week. Eric stopped by to make sure I hadn't died and he brought me some soup that his mom had made. I made him promise that she hadn't poisoned it. He just laughed but when I looked at him with a serious face he promised.

We hung out, like old times. I put my head on his shoulder but it didn't go any further than that. I didn't want it to and I don't think he did either. It was just nice to have something that I was comfortable with and Eric was just that. We watched movies, had a marathon of Harry Potter and he cooked for us when we got hungry. All in all I had a great time other than dying from my stress.

Eric talked about my old friends and what they had been up to. Apparently, Kacey and Brody broke up and Brody is with Ashley who loves to rub it in Kacey's face but Kacey isn't going to say anything because that's just her. And people say that girls gossip too much. He didn't say much about Christian and he claims he hasn't seen or spoken to Marilyn in a while. I wouldn't doubt it if she was hanging out with the 'misfits'. Wow, haven't called them that for a while.

When Eric left Ren stopped by and we hung out. She brought over The Hunger Games movies and we sat in my bed and watched them back to back. I knew I had to tell Ren, she was my best friend at the moment and she really needed to know. I think...

I waited for the right moment, I didn't think it would ever come so I just did it, I blurted it out, my mouth moved before my brain could process what had just happened.

"I like girls!"

Ren reached for the remote and paused the movie right before Katniss shot the arrow at the dome, "What?" she asked with her mouth filled with popcorn and a piece falling out.

"I like girls." I wasn't as confident that time, I said it in more of a whisper than my actually speaking voice. I was freaked out, I was terrified. I didn't know how she would take it and I wished that I had thought it through.

"You know I should be more surprised but honestly... I'm not." She stated as she put another handful of popcorn in her mouth and pressed play.

"I don't know if I should be offended or not." I said with a frown on my face.

Sje paused the movie again, "Don't be, you just give off that vibe, I guess."

"Okay yeah, I'm offended."

"Seriously? Oh c'mon, you left the group to hang out with Jessica and you didn't even know her. I know you like to claim that you did it because you don't care what people think and that might be somewhat true but in all seriousness you and I and everyone knows you chose her because you liked her. The real question is why do you like her? I mean, you rarely hang out with her so I don't really know how you would know her." She looked back at the screen and took a drink of her soda.

Of course she was right, "I don't know." I answered truthfully.

"Well, let's make a list." She said with a smile on her face.

"Ren, really? A list?"

"Yeah, what's the harm?"

Ren walked over to my nightstand and opened the small drawer. She pulled out a pen and paper and threw herself back onto my bed.

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