Chapter Two

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Shit, shit, shit.

"Uhh, what?"

"I've been friends with Muse for a long time, she always has that book with her so I suggest you give it to me."

Sonny and I had went into the auditorium to talk about the book. It was dark and quiet with a little light shining through a tiny window on the door.

"What were you doing going through my stuff?" I asked to try to get him off the topic.

"I wasn't, your phone was ringing constantly so after I asked if anyone knew whose bag it was and they said no I opened the bag and answered the phone to ask the person on the other end whose it was but it was you. So again, you can either give the book back or give it to me so I can give it back."

I was really nervous about the situation. My head was hurting, it was almost one o'clock which was the time football practice was over so I had to go back and see Eric. I didn't know what to do and I couldn't think of anything else except for the fact that I should have just given that stupid book back. Sonny was standing in front of me waiting for an answer.

"Listen, I had no intention of taking the book on purpose. I ran into Jessica in the hallway and everything fell on the floor. It was an accident." I say as I took the book out of my bag. "I'll, if you'll let me, give the book back."

Sonny stood there thinking about what I said, I know it's a long shot but I would prefer to give it back myself.

"Have you read any of it?"

I slowly nodded my head, "I was just trying to figure out whose it was, I only read the first page." Lie.

"Give it back by Monday, if you still have it, I'll tell her."

With that he walked off and left me in the dark... with the book. I hurried to the football field and the boys were already off, Eric was probably in the locker room showering so I took myself to the bottom of the bleachers and wait.

Sept. 3

I just saw Cynthia,

Where did I know that name from?

she's doing better than last time. We played a couple of games on my phone. Secret: I let her win. I'm seeing Jean later to try and straighten some things out. She just pisses me off sometimes when she tells me what I can and cannot do. God, it's like she's my mother.

I closed the book and whispered to myself that I would not read anymore. Eric cane back a few minutes later and we went to his house to eat lunch with his parents. Eric's mom never really liked me. She looked at me like I was creature, it probably didn't help with me being extremely awkward around both patents but they would just make me feel like I'm weird. We drove in silence, just the sound of the winds coming through the window and the hum of his jeep.

We pulled up to his house which was bigger than just an average house but not huge. His mother cane out to greet us, she hugged her son like she hadn't seen him in years and she gave me a cold 'hello' we went inside where she had fruits and some sandwich items spread out across the table. Eric and I went to sit at the bar while she asked what we wanted.

The first time I came over for lunch I tried to help Mrs.Bade and she got all mad and told Eric to make the food because I obviously thought that she couldn't do it herself. That's when it all feel down hill, ever since then she gave me this face of disgust. Mr.Bade was nicer, he let me help and during Thanksgiving one year, one that my dad was working, I went to Eric's and Mr.Bade and I had a football bet. He treats me well but I still feel uncomfortable because of Mrs.Bade.

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