Chapter Sixteen

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"You have to go." JJ said after I tossed the letter in the trash. I was mad. Really mad.

"Why? Why the hell should I go? For her to tell me that she's not right for me, why should I get my hopes up and then just let her crush them- again."

I was pacing in the kitchen and a million thoughts were running through my head. I didn't know what to do about Jessica. I really wanted to hate her but I just couldn't make myself. I was finally coming to the conclusion that I was perfectly fine without her and then she pulls this shit. No, not again.

"Seriously Jaquline? She hasn't told anyone, not even Aurora, where she was and she told you, you have to go."

"You don't know what the fuck she put me through JJ. You don't know how bad I hurt. I might sound dramatic right now but seriously- it hurt." I could feel the tears in my eyes just thinking about what I felt.

JJ walked over to me, "That's where you're wrong Jaquline. I know exactly how you feel."

I looked at JJ and she had this blank stare on her face, "What do you mean?" I asked.

JJ smiled, "Skin wasn't always a sweet asshole, he used to just be an asshole." She let out a small laugh, "What I'm trying to say is first impressions suck and just because they act one way doesn't mean that they mean it."

I sat down on a stool, "You just don't understand."

She laughed again, "Don't understand? I don't understand? You know when I first got with Skin we were just having sex. I really liked him and he was just using me for sex. It took him months before he even took me on a proper date. It took him over a year before he introduced me as his girlfriend. I was stupid for waiting, I was an idiot... but I'm happy I did because after all that, I love that little fucker."

I didn't really know what to say, so I hugged her. It wasn't much but I eventually felt her wrap her arms back around me.

"Just talk to her, that's it." She said when we released each other.

I let out a long breath, paced a little until I was sure on what I wanted to do.


The drive to main wasn't long, but I was anxious and for some reason that made it seem longer. I had left Eric's house shortly after talking to JJ. She had agreed not to tell anyone where Jessica was if I could convince her to talk to Aurora, who apparently was worried sick.

I pulled up to the hotel and waited in my car. I was freaking out inside my head. I could feel my palms sweating and my head was hurting. Millions of thoughts went through my head. What is she going to say? What does she want? Should I be doing this?

I kept telling myself to breathe and just get through this. That's all I had to do, get through this. I put my car in park and jumped out. I had the card key in my hand and I held onto it. The hotel was as big as it could be for it being in town and not the city.

I walked in the front door and was greeted by the doorman. I was going to walk to the front desk but the man standing there looked like he did not want to be bothered so I just walked straight to the elevator.

I looked down at the card key, it had the room number 756. I hit the seventh floor button and waited patiently for the doors to close and the elevator to start moving. I was certainly in no rush. There was a couple and a child in the elevator. The child was drinking from a sippy cup and she had the cutest little blonde pigtails. The woman, who I'm guessing was the mother was looking down at her phone and the father was just staring ahead at the elevator doors.

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