Chapter Five

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Jessica gave me the information about California and I went to talk to Mr.Snom Monday morning about it. He said he was happy that people were interested in it and that the next fundraiser was a car wash in a couple of weeks. I gave Jessica her journal back after second hour and we talked more about the trip. I have till March to raise $1200.

I felt like Eric was attached to my hip since we had sex. Well, I guess it's not just because we had sex. It might've been because he couldn't play any sports till his arm healed and his stitches got took out. I told Marilyn about it Tuesday and she wanted all the "deets". I felt really uncomfortable with telling her everything so I just exaggerated a lot of it.

It was Wednesday and we were both sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch with Renizma (Ren), Eric, Brody, Ashley, Kacey, and Christian. We were sitting at a round table that barely held us all. I was currently squished between Eric who kept pulling at his collar to hide the hickey on his neck and Brody who was currently stuffing his face.

Brody is your average jock. He has so much muscles that he could be on steroids, but he's been tested at school a lot of times and it always came up negative. He did average in school and that was probably only because he had to keep his grades up for football.

Ren was one of my closest friends. I've known her since the first grade and she's pretty chill. She is a cheerleader with Marilyn.

Kacey was about as dumb as a box of chalk. No offense to her but oh my god I wanted to slap her. She was the type of girl who was too stupid for her own good. She and Brody had been on and off for about a year. They break up about every two months and it was usually because he cheated or something in that area.

Ashley and I have never gotten along. I know she doesn't like me and I only dealt with her because Marilyn needed me to. Her and Marilyn are like Ren and I. They're super close and Marilyn made me play nice when Ashley was around. Ashley is your stereotypical mean girl. She's better than everyone, she makes fun of the less fortunate, and she was also one of the girls Brody cheated on Kacey with. I honestly think that they are still messing around with each other but I'm just going to keep my mouth shut.

Then we came around to Christian. He is Aurora's twin brother, best all around jock at Mayfield. There's not really much to him. He's nice to everyone, has freaking fantastic manners, I don't think he has ever called me by my name it's always ma'am.

Brody kept bumping me with his elbow and he probably didn't mean to but he was bumping me pretty damn hard. I got irritated by it and eventually got up. I told Eric that I was going to talk to Mr.Snom about California and he gave me a quick kiss before I left.

I told Eric about California when I was taking my morning after pill Sunday morning. He said that it was fine but he was positive that his mom wouldn't let him go knowing that I was going as well.

I walked into the band room and I was hit by a blast of random instruments playing. Some sound pretty good and I can actually hear the rythm but others... not so much.

While watching someone play the piano I was pushed in the back by someone and I rammed into the piano player which caused them to stop. I turn to see who it was.

"Just saying hi." Jessica said with a smirk on her face.

I turned to the piano player, apologized and then back to Jessica who was walking away.

"Hey!" I shouted.

"Yes?" She said while still walking. She went out to the court yard and sat at one of the benches. I hurried to catch up to her.

"You walk really fast, you know."

She didn't respond but motioned for me to sit next to her. We sat in silence for a good twenty seconds before Aurora, Sonny and JJ walk up. They all gave me weird looks before sitting down and then we have another weird silence.

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