Chapter Four

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A/N: Caution: There will be sex in this chapter. Also, I like girls, this will be straight sex and I have never been with someone of the opposite sex so I might be terrible at it and I apologize in advance. For those of you who are uncomfortable with sex scenes I will put **** before I start and I will do the same when it's over. Thank you for reading and I'll stop talking and get on with the story.

Saturday morning Eric and I packed all of our stuff and got ready to go to my house. After we are all packed up I helped Eric out to my car and threw our bags in the trunk. We stopped by his house to get him some new clothes and to tell his parents where he was going. Eric has slept at my house before, he stayed on the couch and I was in my room and of course nothing happened.

We made one last stop to Hansley's house, Eric's sister. She couldn't make it to the hospital because she had to take care of Kayson, her son. He was around the age of two so he's not in school yet. He was born three months premature so he has a lot of medical problems, he barely weighed four pounds when he was born.

I helped Eric out of the car and we made our way up to the house. Eric's mom kicked Hansley out of the house when she found out she was pregnant, Hansley lived with her boyfriend John and his parents. We knocked on the door and are greeted by John's mom. She called for Hansley and invited us in. We went to the living room and waited on the sofa for Eric's sister.

She came down with Kayson in her arms, he was much smaller than an average toddler, his bones weren't all the way developed so he wears a brace around is left leg and left arm. She put him down and he slowly stumbled over to Eric and Eric picked him up and sat him on his lap.

"You really shouldn't be lifting with your arm hurt." Hansley said to Eric.

"Oh I'll be fine."

Hansley walked over to us and sat down next to me. She gave me a little hug and we made small talk for a little while. We watched as Eric played with Kayson on the floor with toys. Eric did as much as he could with a broken arm. Kayson was laughing at the faces and voices Eric was making while they played.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and seen Hansley motioning me to go to the kitchen with her. I got up and made my way to the kitchen where Hansley was grabbing some Cheetos.

"Are you okay?" She asked

I looked at her with a confused expression, "Yeah? I'm fine."

She looked at me suspiciously, "Are you sure?"

I nodded my head and turned back to the living room. Eric and I left around three and went to my house. We walked in and my dad was just now leaving to head to work. He grabbed his keys and turned back around to see me holding Eric's bag.

"You know the rules," he said to me, "no going to your bedroom until you're ready to sleep. Eric sleeps on the couch and no sex on my recliner, actually, just no sex. Okay?"

I rolled my eyes, shook my head and my dad kissed the top of my head before heading out the door. I put all of our stuff in my room and head back downstairs where Eric was turning on the TV. I went sit next to him and we once again, sat there in complete silence.

So, the silence made me think. How important was Eric to me? Like I said before I pretty much have my life planned out to my death but for some reason I was rethinking it. What would I have done if Eric died? I'd have to completely change everything. I looked over to Eric who was lost in a basketball game. I do care about him. I cared about him a lot but I just couldn't shake the feeling that there is suppose to be more than just watching games.

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