Chapter Thirteen

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"No, not going to happen." I stated as I continued walking, speeding up my pace a little.

"Oh come on, please?" She stuck out her bottom lip and made her eyes big like she thought it was going to make me crumble.

"I said no." I said more firmly trying to get my point across but I tried to not come off like a bitch.

"You're such a buzz kill." She said while stomping her foot on the ground like a child who didnt get whay they wanted.

JJ and I were walking in the halls between classes, she was trying to make me talk to Jessica and I hate to admit it but I really wanted to. I forced myself not to so I wasn't going to talk to her, or I didn't plan on talking to her anytime soon. I was trying to tell JJ and convince myself that that is what I wanted.

"Why are you so pissed at her anyway? It's not like she killed someone." She said sounding annoyed and rolling her eyes.

"And if she did I'm sure you'd still be over trying to make me talk to her." I said as stopped at my locker, put in my combination and threw my books in.

We continued walking in silence when all of a sudden JJ stopped both of us and turned me to face her, her hands were on my shoulders and she was really looking deep into my eyes, forcing me to listen to her, "Listen Jaquline, Muse doesn't like people-

"She likes you." I said cutting her off. She shook her head, obviously frustrated with me.

"Jaquline, please listen to me. Muse doesn't like people in an affectionate way. I've literally heard her say that she just likes the sex. You and her, that I know of and hope, have never had sex. Am I right?" I slowly nodded my head, "Okay, good. What you're not understanding is that you already have her wrapped around your little finger and for some reason she doesn't care. Just talk to her, that's all I'm asking." She started sounding really desperate.

She removed her hands from my shoulders and I had nothing to say back to her. I was NOT going to talk to Jessica. She ruined her chances by blowing me off. She was the one that I liked, not Elizabeth. I mean now I sorta like Elizabeth, I guess, but I still don't know if we are even together or if I want to be with her.

"JJ, I'm sorry. I can't. I told her that I wanted to be with her and I was even going to break up with Eric for her but she still turned me down. She has her excuses as to why she did it but in reality I know that she doesn't want a relationship. I mean even if I did talk to her we wouldn't automatically be together. I'm sorta in a thing with Liz-

It was her turn to cut me off, "Liz? Elizabeth? Okay, wow. Did not need to know that."

I completely forgot JJ had a thing for Elizabeth and I felt bad about saying that.

"Hey, I'm sorry." I said before it got too awkward.

"It's cool," She said with a shrug, "listen, you don't have to talk to Muse but we are all tired of seeing her mope and bitch around. She says that she's fine but everyone can see that she's not. Just think about it, okay?" She said with a light smile.

I actually started to feel bad about the whole thing. I gave her a head nod and the bell rang signaling that class had started.

"Shit." JJ said before turning to walk away, "I'll talk to you later Jaquline."

I had a free hour so I walked out to the band room. I needed to pay some more for the trip and I had a little money saved. Even though the only reason I was going was for Jessica I had already been paying so I thought why not just go? I walked in and the room was empty, Mr.Snom was sitting in his office. I walked in, he said hello, I told him that I needed to pay, and he gave me a strange look, got up and walked to his filing cabinet.

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