Chapter Seventeen

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We drove back to Jessica's house at around midnight. I was nervous and I didn't really have a reason to be. I didn't know Cynthia and in all honesty, I didn't really care for her either. She was Marilyn's friend, not mine and everyone knows where I stand with Marilyn right now. It's not that Cynthia was a bad person, or at least I didn't think she was, but she just wasn't for me. Marilyn and I had been friends since forever and the name Cynthia didn't even come up in our conversations, so I guess that shows how much Marilyn cared for her too.

We pulled up to her house, it always surprises me on how big it is. I guess I look at Jessica and just didn't expect her to come from this type lifestyle. Rich and glamorous, I guess I expected the stereotype bad girl growing up on the bad side of town with nothing except what's on her back. Shows how much I know.

Jessica once again attempted at the passcode but failed even after I told her it was probably her birthday. After many failed attempts, Albert had to buzz us in, but not before he mocked her for always forgetting the passcode.

I parked in the front like always and I felt how I always feel with Jessica, nervous but comfortable. It was weird but it made sense in my mind. We stood in the doorway for a while and I didn't understand why. She seemed nervous. It was pretty obvious, but it wasn't like she hadn't seen Cynthia before, I mean, she lived with her.

Albert eventually opened the door to let us in and we walked up the stairs and went in the opposite direction of Jessica's room. We walked down another long hall and stopped at the end and stood in front of a bedroom door. Jessica lightly knocked on the door and I got a rush of anxiety. I had no reason to be nervous but I was, which didn't make sense.

The door opened and a girl with dark hair and big blue eyes stood there. I didn't really notice her, she didn't look like the Cynthia I knew, but I guess I didn't really know Cynthia, maybe she always looked like that and I just didn't notice. The only way I knew it was her for sure was by the eyes. She was always known for her eyes. The girls chapped lips spread across her face and turned into a smile. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me in for a hug. I patted her awkwardly on the back in return.

She let go of me and I felt Jessica walk past me. I watched her go to the bed and sit down. I stood there like an awkward idiot waiting for something to happen. Eventually, I decided to walk over to where Jessica was sitting and I stood by her because I didn't know what else to do.

I looked back at Cynthia, she was definitely thinner than the way I remembered her, she was really pale too, I remembered her with a tan. She just didn't look the same and I knew that it wasn't because I didn't remember her that well, she was just... off.

"I'm happy you came Jaquline. I really didn't think you would, I mean why would you we weren't friends or anything but I guess that doesn't really matter because you are here now and I am just so th-"

"C," Jessica said, "you're rambling again."

Cynthia stopped talking and looked at me and smile, "I'm just happy that you're here." she turned away from me and walked over to her dresser and started messing with her things on the shelves, "I didn't think you would come."

"Yeah...uh... Jessica is... very convincing." My mouth wanted to stay shut and it didn't want to form words.

"Have you fucked each other yet?" Cynthia asked and the question caught me completely off guard and Jessica got red in the face. I've never seen her like that.

"C, really?" Jessica said.

"It was just a question, calm your shit. Besides, it's pretty damn obvious that you guys like each other. You don't really have to be sane to see that." Cynthia responded and let out a short laugh before speaking again, "I'm happy you're here, really."

"I know, you've mentioned it about thirty-two times." I said without even thinking.

It came off as rude, I know by the way she looked at me, but I HATED this, it was awkward and I was uncomfortable and I was really debating on jumping out the window. I feel like that would feel better than this. At least the house is high enough that it might actually kill me and I wouldn't have to be put in these awkward situations again.

I was so lost in my thoughts and I was distracted by the window that I didn't know that Cynthia was changing her clothes. When I realized what was actually happening it just made things more uncomfortable but I couldn't look away. Not for the fact that she was a pretty girl changing in front of me but because of the damage on her body.

There were cuts, bruises, and scars literally everywhere. Her legs, her stomach, her shoulders, but the worst place was her arms. They had the least amount of cuts but there was one long and thick scar on both of them. They had to have been deep. It was scary to look at but my eyes wouldn't look away.

Jessica's elbow dug into my side and it made me look away. I looked down at her and she mouthed 'stop staring' and I looked away, I wanted to look back but I knew that I shouldn't.

"C, just tell Jack why she's here." Jessica said while still looking at me.

Cynthia pulled a shirt over her head and smiled at me again, "Right, so I need you to arrange a meeting with Marilyn for me."

The question caught me off guard, like everything about this night and I almost said okay but when I realized what she asked, I was pissed. No, I was beyond that. They brought me here, made me feel extremely uncomfortable and completely out of place just so I would get Marilyn who I don't even talk to me anymore to, talk to them? What the hell?

"Are you fucking kidding me?" It came out before my mouth could stop it which was happening a lot.

Jessica and Cynthia stared out me like a deer in headlights. It was silent. Extremely, cringe worthy silent. I was about to walk out of the room when Cynthia finally said something... and it wasn't something I expected.

"Have you ever felt alone Jaquline?" She asked.

I had no words for her, it didn't even make sense as to why she asked me that.

"Because I have, I was stuck in a nut house for three years, three FUCKING years because of Marylin and Ashley. Because of what they did to me. Those bitches took everything from me. They fucking ruined me. So if I want a fucking meeting, you are going to give me a fucking meeting."

I didn't even notice that she had gotten so close to me, her eyes said that she was mad, but there were tears in them. It made me feel bad but that doesn't mean that I'm going to abide by her rules. I wasn't the type of person that someone could walk over anymore.

"Fuck you." I said to her. Her face was shocked and I pushed her out of the way. I felt a hand grab my wrist and turned back to see Jessica. I yanked my arm free and left as fast as I could.

The rage in side me way building up and by the time I mad either to my care I couldn't contained it, I yelled as loud as I could and punched my steering wheel, causing my hand to instantly bruise and then I left.

I couldn't believe it, but I was done, completely done.

I wasn't the 'good girl' anymore, and I really didn't give a fuck.

A/N: I hate this chapter, hate it. I know it's been a while since I've updated but I'm in the process of moving so it's an excuse but not really. Anyway, I just wanted to update the story and I'll fix it later. Thanks for reading!!!

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