Chapter Three

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Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. It was now Friday and I had spent all week at the hospital. I practically lived there because my clothes were piled in the corner and I had pillows on the sofa next to the window. I missed school on Monday and Tuesday because Eric's condition was critical. He could have died at any moment. They finally got the internal bleeding in his stomach fixed after three hours of surgery.

Eric's parents finally made it to the hospital late Sunday night. I was sitting with him in his room when they walked in. His mom didn't say anything but greet me with a head nod. Eric woke up in a lot of pain not remembering what had happened. Apparently, from what the doctor told me, Eric had gotten in a wreck on the main highway, the other driver walked away with a few cuts and bruises but Eric got the worst part of it.

When I told Marilyn what had happened she literally cried more than I did, and it wasn't because I didn't care, that girl lived for the drama.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed watching Eric eat the food I got him from the cafeteria. I sat there thinking what would have happened if he did die. Would I be okay? Would I be heart broken?... Would I care?

"Hey babes?"

I looked at Eric who had some mustard in the corner of his mouth.


"Are you okay?"

I nodded my head yes and he put his food tray on the bedside table and wiped his mouth, he moved to the left side of the bed and motioned for me to lie next to him. I went over and did just that, he wrapped his arm around my waist and we stayed like that for a while. I was comfortable and almost losing Eric made me realize that I couldn't complain about being on a constant cycle. I love him.

I didn't know when I fell asleep but when I woke up it was dark out and I checked my phone to see twelve missed calls from Marilyn and a voice-mail.

"Babes quit moping over Eric and come hang out with me!" Her words were extremely loud, "I'm at the Warehouse and I don't have a way home." Then the message clicked off.

Marilyn can't drive to save her life, she aced the written part with a perfect score but she could never pass the driving part. She'd taken it about five times since we were sophomores and she, like me, was a senior.

I looked at the time and seen that it was a little passed midnight. I woke Eric up and told him I was leaving, he nodded his head and kissed me on the cheek before falling back asleep. I grabbed my things and left the hospital.

The warehouse is a really old run downed building about thirty minutes out in the country. It used to be an old flour mill but now it's used as a place for high school parties and I took a guess that that's what Marilyn was at.

I drove for what seemed like hours, probably because I was tired, and pulled up to the warehouse. There were only two cars here, an old beat up truck and my car so it was obviously not a party.

I jumped out of my car and made my way to the back of the building. The front was all boarded up and has remained boarded forever... I guess people forget about the back. I stepped over the door and pushed the plastic away from my face. The floors were once cement and I was pretty sure it was still there but because of how old the place was all you can see was dirt.

The warehouse was blaring with music, some I didn't know the name of, I made my way to it and seen a group of people hanging out in an open room. There were candles and some lights hanging on the walls (have no clue how they are working) so I seen who the people were. Jessica, Aurora, JJ, Sonny, Chantly, Elizabeth, and Marilyn.

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