Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen: Cynthia

Love, drugs, and a whole lot of pain.

The night was cold, although the first snow hadn't fallen it was clear that it was winter. Cynthia, along with her sister Jessica were invited to a party. It wasn't odd, they were always invited but Jessica had refused to come, stating that she no longer had time for people who only cared about one thing. So, Jessica stayed home with her new friend Aurora and Cynthia was picked up by some boy with a car that was too fancy and big to say that he had something else to live up to.

The party seemed normal, girls grinding on guys while the guys tried to keep the bulges in their pants from being noticeable, clouds of smoke indicated that there was some type of cannabis being passed around and the school slut hand in with some guy she that she has lured upstairs, just a normal party.

Cynthia searched the party for her friends, knowing that they'd be there and hoping that Jessica staying home and wouldn't effect her friendship with them. She spotted a blonde with a dress that was a shorter than it should've been and she knows who it is, Ashley. She approaches her with a feeling in her gut that she can't explain. Ashley turns around giggling about something that a boy had said.

"Cyn, so glad you came." Ashley throws her hands around Cynthia's neck.

"Hey Ash," Cynthia said trying not to sound too happy that she wasn't outcast, "where's Marilyn?"

Ashley flipped a blonde strand of hair over her shoulder and shrugged, "Upstairs maybe?"

Cynthia looked around the party one last time before heading upstairs to find Marilyn. She checked the rooms one by one and right before she decided to give up she ran into Brody. Brody was a freshman like Cynthia, although he seemed a little too juiced up for anyone to guess that they were in the same grade.

"Woah Cyn," Brody said as they ran into each other, "what's the rush?"

Cynthia looked up at him, she was at least a head shorter than him and his arms were probably the size of her waist. She looked like a child standing next to him, "Nothing, just looking for Marilyn." Cynthia tried to push past him because even though they were in the same social class she has never been comfortable around Brody, he stood in front of her to prevent her from leaving.

"She didn't come, something about her dad."

Cynthia rolled her eyes at the frustration that is Marilyn, "Great, so I'm here for nothing."

Brody stepped closer to Cynthia and she could smell the alcohol on his breath, "You don't have to be."

Cynthia tried to back away but Brody already had his arm on the small of her back pulling her in closer, "Brody stop." she said as she pushed him away.

"C'mon, it'll be fun." He put is lips to her neck and kissed it sloppily.

"I said STOP!" she yelled and pushed him away with everything she had.

"Woah chill, just trying to have fun." He put his hands up in surrender.

Cynthia watched as Brody went back down stairs to the rest of the party. She eventually calmed herself back down and finished checking the house for Marilyn. When she couldn't find her she went back to find Ashley, but when she did she seen that she was tongue deep in Brody's mouth. She made her way to a keg and she watched a boy with scruffy hair make her a drink. She then went back to the kitchen and tapped on Ashley's shoulder, when Ashley didn't notice Cynthia placed her drink on the counter and practically for Ashley to listen.

Ashley finally turned around, hair messed up and lips swollen, "What do you want babe?" She asked Cynthia while Brody continued to kiss up and down her neck.

"Just wanted you to know that Marilyn isn't here so I'm gonna head out."

Ashley started giggling as Brody nibbled on her ear, "Kay, see you at school."

Cynthia picked her drink back up and finished her beer off, she went to search for the boy who brought her here but couldn't find him. She suddenly felt odd and dizzy, thinking that maybe she drank the beer too fast. she ran into someone and he grabbed her before she could fall.

"Hey are you alright?" the guy asked.

Cynthia looked up to see who had helped her and seen it was Christian, Aurora's brother. Cynthia shook her head but instantly started falling again, Christian again grabbed her, "C'mon, let's go lie you down."

Cynthia wanted to say thank you but the whole room kept vibrating and her brain just couldn't form the words. The next thing she remembers is being slowly placed on what felt like a bed, the room was too dark to tell that it was. Covers were thrown over her, she watched as Christian left the room and she drifted off to sleep.

Cynthia woke up to a sharp pain in her private area, she remembers because she had never felt that kind of pain before, the room was dark but she felt a body on top of her. She couldn't see who it was but the person was strong because she he had both her hands pushed down to her sides and she couldn't break free. She fought against it as long as she could but she realized that she wasn't going to get out of this. She tried screaming as loud as she could but then the man's hands covered that too. She squirmed and moved as much as she could hoping that she would somehow wiggle free. She was helpless.

Cynthia makes herself go somewhere else, she thinks of anything else to make her forget what is happening in this moment. The guy pulls himself out of her and she thanks god that it was all over, but then she's flipped onto her stomach. She thought that it hurt before but this pain was excruciating, she couldn't take the pain anymore and she past out.

The next morning she woke up feeling broken, she hurt all over especially in places that she knows she shouldn't. She relives the night before and when she finally gets enough strength to make herself get up she feels an arm go around her. She freezes in the bed and slowly turns her head to see who was beside her. She couldn't believe who the naked boy beside her was.


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