Chapter Nine (Jessica AKA Muse POV)

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A/N: Hey so this is a special chapter because it will be told in Muse's  POV. I've been asked many times so I thought I would take a shot at it. Now, if you follow me I have said that this will be a series and I'm sticking with it. The next book will be called "Because, I'm The Bad Girl" and the book will be the second semester of the school year and be told in Muse's POV. I might throw a Jaquline chapter in there like I am doing right now. Anyway, I'm going to quit talking now and get on with the book. Hope you enjoy!!

What the hell have I gotten myself into? I've literally only known Jaquline for a good two months, TWO, and I've already made a huge mistake, I've developed feelings for her. My only rule for relationships and I've broken it. What. The. Fuck.


I look over to my best Aurora, she has herself thrown on my bed with her head hanging off, her long brown hair flowing down the side.

"What do you want?" I asked her but I already knew what she was going to say.

"Go talk to her."

"I refuse."

"I refuse." She mocks me, accent and all, "Stop being such a little bitch and just talk to her. She won't stop bothering everyone about you," she says with her best bitch voice, "But who knows she might not even like you. I mean she is bringing her boy-toy around now."

I could feel my chest tighten after hearing about Jaquline's boyfriend, Eric. I didn't have a problem with the guy other than the fact that he has what I want. It's weird, I don't know Jaquline all that well, like I don't know her favourite color, or her favourite movie, etc. but I can't get her out of my damn head. I. Fucking. Hate. It.

"I don't want to talk to her especially if she is still with Eric. She's fucking with me." I turn back around to my homework. I've missed the last week because father was back in town and he wanted a "Father and Daughter Day" which turned into a week of hell. I might have been able to deal with a day but most definitely not a week.

"You are so annoying." Aurora says while walking over to me and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"But you love me." I say back, she kisses my temple and just hugs me for a little bit.

"I hate you," I tell her knowing what she is doing. I've always had a weakness for Aurora. I don't like her in a girlfriend way but she does remind me of a sister. She's always been there for me and she's always had my back when I needed her to. I can't say no to her, so after a long breath and a slamming of my books I get up and walk over to my dresser where my phone is charging.

Do I really want to talk to Jaquline? No. I don't, so instead of texting Jaquline I text Marilyn. Marilyn and I are NOT friends, more like... fuck buddies I guess. Without the buddy part. She's not out of the closet yet and don't even know if she is actually lesbian or if she actually likes girls, she might just like the sex but I'm not the one who is going to out her either... even if she is a heinous bitch.

"Babes?" I turn back to the beauty on my bed.

I've known Aurora for about five years, I've known of her longer. When I came out back in middle school Aurora was one of the "cool" kids that decided to stay friends with me. She didn't care that I liked girls or that I no longer cared about my social status. She liked me for me and that's what I love about her.

"Can we go eat, I'm starving?" She made a sad face and stuck out her bottom lip.

I rolled my eyes but nodded my head because I could feel my insides eating themselves. It was late but I was in the mood for breakfast. Albert usually doesn't go to sleep before me but I decided to not bother him tonight.

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