Chapter Six

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I woke up with the sun coming through the blinds in my bedroom. I groaned and got up to close them only to realize that I had a huge headache. I went through what had happened last night as I closed my blinds. 1: Elizabeth slapped the shit out of me, 2: Jessica helped me and we left school, 3: we went to the warehouse and had some drinks, 4:...

I couldn't remember anything after that, I jumped back into bed only to land on another body.

"Oh my god!"

The other person mumbled curses and sat up.


"Darling what did I tell you about calling me Jessica?"

I was lost, "Uh... to not to?"

"Correct, I told you to just call me Muse, remember?"

Then it all came back, I had had too many to drink, "Who brought us back to my house?"


"Okay... did we...?

She looked at me with a 'really' expression and let out a small laugh, "My dear trust me, if we did, you'd definitely remember." She said as she ran her fingers through her oddly perfect hair.

"Then why are you still here?" I asked.

"Because you were still vomiting and I didn't want to choke on it."

I rolled my eyes, "My hero."

I checked the clock and it was almost noon. Well, I've missed the morning classes already so might as well miss the afternoon too. I got out of bed again and go to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth.

After I was done with everything I walk back into my room to see Muse standing there without a shirt on. I knew she had a body but wow. She had more tattoos than I thought and they all made her look... wow. I cleared my throat and she looked up at me.

"You have a shirt I can wear?" She asked.

I was staring. I knew I was staring and I'm sure she did too but I couldn't take my eyes away, "Closet."

She let out another light laugh and walked over to the door on my left wall, she started humming as she goes through my closet looking at every shirt until she found a black tank top and put it on.

"So Jack, what are we going to do today?"

I frowned at the name she gave me, "My name is Jaquline."

"It's so long, it's either Jack or Babe you can have your pick." She said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, and I don't care. What do you want to do?"

"Well," she said while walking back to my bed and sitting on the edge, "we've already gotten drunk so all that's left on our list is sex and drugs. Your choice."

This earned her another eye roll, "Ha ha, very funny."

"Fine, you don't want to have any fun so let's just get some breakfast."

"It's past twelve, where are we going to get breakfast?"

We left the house and got in my car which apparently Muse drove home because she wasn't 'too' drunk. She gave me directions that led me across town to a community with huge houses, almost mansion sized. I looked at her but she was sitting there playing on her phone. She told me to go to the end of the block and I listened. We ended up in front of the biggest house in the community, it had a fence and one of those speaker boxes. Muse leaned over the middle console and was practically on me as she pressed the buttons on the pad. She smelled like cigarettes and a gritty, girly but boyish smell, if that made any sense. It wasn't bad it actually smelled mouth watering good. Is that bad?

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