Chapter Nine

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WARNING: This chapter contains scenes that may be uncomfortable for some readers. It's not sex but if you are uncomfortable with reading about a woman's cycle them I'm sorry in advance.

"Thank you Ms.Compton, you're halfway there."

Mr.Snom walked over to a safe and put my money in an envelope that had my name on it. I've been trying to pay weekly for the trip to California, it's hard because I don't get allowance but I told my dad about and he's been trying to give me money when he can. I've also been doing a couple of fundraisers with the band which helps out a little.

"I'll make another payment in a couple of weeks." I tell him before walking out of the band room.

"Hey babe." Eric says when I meet him outside, "We're still going tomorrow right?"

I nod my head and we head over to our now permanent lunch spot where Ren is already sitting down stuffing her face.

"Hey losers." She says with her mouth full.

"Hey Ren," Eric says as he pulls out my chair for me, "You going to Brody's party tomorrow?"

Ren nods her head and finishes chewing her food, "Yeah, Marilyn wouldn't quit bothering me about it."

My stomach twists when I hear Marilyn's name. I still haven't talked to her but honestly I don't want to. She is being so judgmental and she has absolutely no reason to be. So what if Jessica is gay? That doesn't mean she can't be friends with girls, I still haven't talked to Jessica either after what had happened in the elevator.

"Babe?" Eric says knocking me out of my thoughts, "I've been trying to talk to you for the last thirty seconds."

"What is it Eric?"

"Are you okay?"

I know that's not what he was going to ask but I shake my head anyway. It was a lie because I was NOT okay. I wanted to talk to Jessica (saying her real name because I'm not sure if we're friends anymore), I wanted her to talk to me. I understand that what I did was confusing but if she didn't want me to do it that all she had to say.

"Jaquline, what's wrong?" Eric says while snapping his fingers in my face, "You won't stop spacing out."

"I'm sorry, what do you want?" I might have thrown a little attitude in that wasn't necessary but it was getting annoyed.

"Chill, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes Eric, I'm fine its just a headache."

"Why don't you go home, I'll drive you and pick you up in the morning?"

I nod my head and we go to the office, Eric drops me drops me off at home and goes back to school. I run up to my room and go to bed.

I wake up to a sharp pain in my stomach, almost like cramps but about twenty times worse. I pull myself up and hold my stomach waiting for it to go away but it doesn't.

I force myself up to go to the bathroom but when I do I feel something warm and wet, I look at my bed and it was covered with blood, way too much blood. My stomach was pulsating with pain and I ended up sitting on the edge of the bed. I reach for my phone and see that I had a few missed calls but ignore them. I call my dad but he doesn't answer, I could feel tears in my eyes from the pain. I call again and again but still no answer. I try Eric and Ren but didn't get an answer from either of them. I scrolled through my phone and picked the next person I could think of, Sonny.

"Hello." He answered like he just woke up.

"Sonny, I- I don't know what's wrong, there's so mu- much blood, my stomach hu- hurts. Please help me." I barely said through sobs

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