Chapter One

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I woke up at eight to the most annoying ringing ever, my alarm clock. To force myself to get up I had it on the other side of the room on top of my dresser. I sluggishly walked over to turn the ringing off. It was Saturday so Eric would be here around 8:45, we would go to football practice where I would wait for him.

I stepped outside to see what the weather is like and I was hit with a cold wind, I guess it's beanies and sweater weather. I run back upstairs to get my clothes so I could get ready.

I eventually finished with everything and I walked over and threw myself back on my bed because it was only eight. I went to pick up my phone off of my night stand and seen a little black book. My hand was drawn to the book and I just couldn't help myself. My fingers wrapped around the spine and the next thing I know I'm re-reading the passage I read the night before then the next page and the next.

July 4

Fireworks, alcohol, and hotdogs. What a joy, well I guess I can't really complain, I'm with my girlfriend, my best friend and her family. Christian is being an asshole though. He sprayed me with the hose and fucked up my hair. Now it's all life-less and limp. I think I might cry. Jean is across from me drawing, taking quick peeks at me, no doubt she's drawing me but I don't mind. She is beautiful sitting there though. Ahhh, she just smiled at me. You have to promise Journal that you won't tell anyone but... I think I love her. I know right, me, in love. Who would have guessed that that would ever happen. I'll write again later, Aurora needs help bringing Grandma Aleen outside to watch the fireworks.

July 16

I'm really surprised with myself. I mean, I've been clean for a good two months. It's Jean's fault and I guess Albert's too. Jean doesn't like it and Albert threatened to take away everything I own if I ever came back to the house high or drunk. (That Fucker) I'm hanging out at Jean's house and she fell asleep on the couch so I had nothing better to do than talk to you. I'm bored out of my mind, if this is sobriety then I don't know how people live, I mean what is the point of life if you can't have a little fun?

I didn't know what I was doing, that was a huge invasion of privacy. I slammed the book shut once again and told myself that that book belonged to Jessica, I couldn't read anymore. Eric came by and I grabbed my book that I can read on the bench while I waited, the day's choice was 'Alice Through the Looking Glass', I loved these books and have read them about eighty-two times. I also grabbed another book, one I probably should have left at home.

I jumped in the Jeep where I kissed Eric, he said I fell asleep last night and he didn't want to wake me so he left, I told him it's alright and he kissed me one last time before driving off.

We made it to school in no time where he struggled to find a parking spot.

"What's happening today?" I asked

"Fundraiser for the band, I think. They are going to California for a trip or something."

I nodded my head and we finally found a spot but it was on the other side of school. Eric tossed his keys in my lap, kissed me and told me that Coach made them run laps for every minute that they were late. He ran off leaving me in the parking lot.

I took a deep breath and jumped out of the car, locked his doors and I walked off. The parking lot always made me nervous, just like the hallway. I didn't know what it was, maybe just the fear of being in front of people. I started walking and I was almost knocked down twice by kids running around. I took another breath and made myself relax. Then I seen her.

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