Chapter Nineteen

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It was Friday night and everyone who is anyone was at a party hosted by Brody. I sat in the back of the main room with a red solo in my hand and a cigarette in the other. Teens were gathered in the center of the room playing the old school game of spin the bottle and truth or dare. They sat in a circle and my eyes kept wondering over to them until I finally decided to join them. It was late, so late that it could have probably been considered morning but that really doesn't matter.

The circle had many populars in it and a couple of randoms but I was just focused on a few. I knew that I didn't care if I had to kiss any of them but I wanted to get a few things out of some. I sat down and some boys cheered, girls glared, and I really didn't care. When it was finally my turn I had the choice to spin bottle and decide if I wanted to kiss the person it landed or take a truth or dare from them. The circle included Ashley, Brody, Eric, Aurora, Christian, JJ, Skin, a boy who I believe goes by the name Justin, Kacey, Ren, Marilyn and myself. I did my best to avoid landing on any of the misfits because I kind of already knew what their questions were gonna revolve around, but with my luck I probably landed on the worst one.

Aurora already had a smirk on her face when I looked up at her but I wasn't going to take a truth or dare from her because I knew she was going to ask something about Jessica or make me do something that I was going to regret. I had only spoken to Aurora a handful of times and from what I could tell she only liked me when Jessica liked me, which right now in this moment, she didn't. It was the day before New Year's eve and Brody was having a pre party for his New Year's party tonight, dumb but he had been doing it since freshman year and it was now a kind of tradition.

"So what's your poison?" Aurora asked, this time with a glare in her eyes.

I looked at her and decided, I can piss Jessica off more if I made out with her best friend, "Well," I started, "I'm not stupid enough to take a truth or dare from you so I guess that just leaves one choice."

Some of the boys in the group started cheering and I could hear girls whispering to each other. Aurora rolled her eyes, got up and started walking towards the middle of the circle, I did the same, surprised that she was going through with it. I didn't think that Aurora was into girls, I still don't think she is but I can't figure out what her play is in this right now. We came face to face with one another, she was a good three inches taller than me and when we were standing in front of her I could smell something familiar on her.

I felt a hand on my cheek and I realized that she was just inches away from my face, I closed my eyes, waiting for her lips to meet mine and wondering what Jessica would do after she found out. I could feel her breath on me and I tried to lean in closer. Then, out of nowhere I felt a sharp pain across my cheek and my eyes shot open. Was I just hit? Aurora was standing in front of me with a glare on her face, there were people all around me who looked just as shocked as I was. My hand went to my cheek and I just barely touched but pain still went all through my face and I looked at my fingers to discover blood.

"That's for Muse." Aurora said as she turned and walked away, pushing through the crowd that had gathered.

For a room that was blasting with sound two seconds ago it felt like everything went silent except for the ringing in my ear. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around, bracing myself for another hit from another one of Jessica's friends, but when I turned around it was JJ standing in front of me and grabbing my wrist to pull me away.

We went upstairs and made it to the bathroom which smelled like vomit and she sat me one the edge of the tub. Skin was there too, I'm not entirely sure where he came from. JJ pressed a cold wet towel to my face and I gasped in pain and pulled away. She put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a small smile before she did it again, this time I stayed.

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