Chapter Twelve

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Elizabeth and I texted each other non-stop for days, she was actually semi sweet. She apologized for the whole Eric situation and whatnot... speaking of Eric, I hadn't really talked to him at all. He's been trying to call me and text me but I was kinda over it. Even if Elizabeth and I weren't ever going to be together, which I knew was probably true, I didn't think it was right to drag Eric along. So I had decided to break up with him. I wasn't going to do it publicly because that just wasn't right and I needed an escape plan in case he decided to flip out. So I planned to do it at my house after school. I could kick him out if I needed to.

I had a plan.

That's all I thought of until I seen her.

My locker slammed shut and Jessica was standing there with an odd look on her face, it was a mixture of emotions, I guess. Her hands were in fists and she was standing really close to me.

"So is this how we're going to play, I fuck your friend, you fuck mine?" She said so casually.

I realized that she was talking about Elizabeth so I rolled my eyes and pushed passed her. "Get over yourself Jessica."

I felt a tight grip, tight enough to leave a mark on my wrist and to be hojest it kinda hurt. She pulled to her chest, "I don't want to play your fucking game, Jaquline." She said through clenched teeth.

"Aw, that sucks. I was just getting started." I sounded really sarcastic without meaning to.

I yanked my arm free and walked down the hall and I didnt bother to turn around to see if she was following me. Elizabeth was waiting outside the classroom door. She seen me and a slight smile appeared on her face.

"Muse knows." Was the first thing she said.

"Well hello Elizabeth, how are you today." I said very sarcastically.

"Did you not hear me? Muse knows." She said back with a stern voice.

She had worry in her eyes so I guess now wasn't the time to play around; I let out a long sigh, "I know, she made that very clear a few minutes ago. Did you tell her?"

"Sorta, we were all hanging out at her house yesterday and I guess my phone kept going off. She claims she just wanted to silence it and then she seen it was from you and then she started looking through our messages and now she knows. I was going to call you and tell you but I didn't want you mad at me. I'm sorry." She was rambling but I could tell that she was worried. It was weird seeing her like that. It wasn't her.

I pulled her in for a hug and I could feel her shaking. This must be really bothering her.

We walked into class together and I sat next to her. Mr.Saritano was in the front of the classroom assigning parts for the play that I didn't pay enough attention to to remember the name of. Elizabeth sat there drawing on her notebook. I didn't see Marilyn in her usually desk but come to think of it, I haven't really seen Marilyn at all.

I felt a tap on my hand and looked up at Elizabeth, "You okay?" She asked with concern in her eyes. I nodded my head.

I felt fine, I was a little nervous about breaking up with Eric. Jessica made me mad but I'm over it now and I haven't talked to my old "friends" in a while but I didn't care. I was fine.

School went on, there was a play rehearsal after school so Elizabeth stsyed, I guess she got a small part that didn't require much but Saritano needed everyone there anyway.

Luckily Eric didn't have practice so everything was going to go as planned, then she happened, again.

I was walking out of the school when Jessica started walking next to me. Her hair was actually a mess but she still looked fucking great. Bitch.

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