Chapter Eight

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Muse (Your New GF): You coming tonight?

Me: Idk, Eric is getting his cast off at ten and then we're going to lunch with his parents.

Muse (Your New GF): Well that sounds wonderful. *I say sarcastically while rolling my eyes*

Me: Really? And it's at St.John's and they have that jungle gym. You have to admit those are a ton of fun.

Muse (Your New GF): You sound like a four year old. You know you'd rather hang out with me than your boytoy.

Me: Maybe just a little. ;)

I put my phone on my lap and looked across from me to Ren. She had her pancakes halfway in her mouth and her eyebrows were raised. I didn't know that I was smiling like an idiot until she asked me who it was. I told her it was Eric and she gave me a 'do you really expect me to believe that?' look which I chose to ignore. We were sitting in a breakfast place in town, I missed school toda because I'm going with Eric to the doctor's at ten and Ren doesn't have morning classes so I asked her to breakfast.

"So you're really not going to tell me who that was?" She asked as she stuffed more pancakes in her already full mouth. Ren can eat like a man but somehow doesn't gain weight. I wish I was like that.

"It was Eric." I say while sliding my phone under my leg.

"I call bullshit."

I roll my eyes at her, "Okay, have fun with that."

We finish our food and leave, I drive Ren home and head to the hospital and when I get there I wait in the waiting room. Eric's appointment is about a hour away but better early than late.

Muse (Your New GF): Where are you?

Me: I told you Eric is getting his cast off.

Muse (Your new GF): I'm coming to get you.

Me: No, I want to be here.

Muse (Your New GF): Then why'd you tell me where it was and what time?

I put my phone back in my bag and decided to leave it there. Muse may have been right about me not wanting to be here but that doesn't mean I'm going to leave. Eric needs me. But... on the other hand all he is doing is getting his cast off, does he really need me here?

I've been hanging out with Muse a lot lately, she's usually the first person I text when I wake up and the last when I go to bed. Muse makes me feel anxious but excited, scared but I'm happy to be around her. The way Eric used to make me feel. I'm not gay but she's starting to make me question myself. I go to her house or she comes to mine but that doesn't feel like enough to me. I want her to... I don't know.


I jumped out of my seat and turned around to see the person responsible for scaring the life out of me. Sonny was standing there hunched over, clutching his stomach and laughing his head off.

I walk over and slapped his arm, "That's not funny, you scared the shit out of me!"

"Shh." I turn around to see the old lady at the front desk looking mad with her finger in front of her mouth.

I grab Sonny and pull him to the side, "What are you doing here?"

He moves his head and I turn to where he was directing it. Muse was leaning against a wall with her arms crossed and a smirk plastered on her face.

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